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"It's so nice out here." I slide the glass door closed, going towards the benches placed in front of the garden, sitting on the empty one.

"It's huge too." Alyssa says, hard deformed chocolate bar in her hand.

"Everything in this place is huge." I add, leaning into the bench, looking at the even colored grass all around. Too bad it won't stay this way.

"How did the check up go?"

"Great, actually. No out of the ordinary swelling, no visible infection. We did something right, it's just the second day but I have high hopes, I have too." If something happened to Niall because of what I did, I don't know what I'd do with myself. I should've taken the easy route, but I never do.

Without crutches, it'll be hard for him to walk but he's gone down to an easy pain reliever, meaning his pain is decreasing. He won't be back at full speed yet but he'll recover fast, he already is.

"You." I raise my eyebrow, confused. "You did something right, we just helped." She adds.

"It was a collaborative effort." She helped lower his temperature and Harry held him down. I wouldn't have been able to do it without them. I look up towards the sky, the blue and white blending together, the sun shining but hiding behind a cloud, appearing as the perfect sunny day. "And to think that just miles from here, the sky looks so different." The world seemed to be divided in half in this moment. Part of me wishes it'd stay like that forever and we'd just stay on the brighter side of it all.

But we all know darkness catches up to the light, demolishing it.

"We should do something. We don't know when's the next time we'll stay at a house for more than a couple hours will be." That's one thing about Alyssa, she'll always find something to do.

"Like what?" There's really not much to do here, besides watch tv.

"Uhm.." Her eyes trail to the silver fence behind me. "I don't know." She sighs, "I was going to say we could look through the things of the people who lived here but I don't know how fun that'll be." She shrugs.

"Oh come on, with you and me? We'll find the fun in anything, let's do it." It's true, whenever we do something, no matter what it is, there'll never be a dull moment.

We stand up and go towards the glass door, sliding it open and stepping through, walking past another living room, going down a long hallway that took us to Alyssa's and Harry's hallway.

"How many people do you think lived here?"

"Not much. Honestly, I think it was only one person, or else there'd be pictures everywhere." I tell her as we pass Harry's room. I stop right in front of it.

"What are you—" I walk through the open door, the similar aesthetic of the other rooms being completely different to this one. This room was also bigger.. much, much bigger, this had to be where the owner slept.

 much, much bigger, this had to be where the owner slept

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