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In a world that was so black & white—moving was the most important of it all.

The silence carried throughout the hour and a half drive. It soon came to a halt when the car stopped in the back of a plaza. The setting looks familiar; Pembroke Pines.

The hour and a half should've been 40 minutes max but we ran into troubles along the way, some streets were blocked by car accidents making us take the long way and we periodically got lost when Harry took a wrong turn.

We put on our protective layer of clothes, jackets zipped all the way up, masks covering our faces. I grabbed my main bag, putting it on my back and getting out of the car along with the others. The plaza doesn't look completely obliterated, but we haven't gone inside and this is only the back of it, I'm sure the front would look like the complete opposite of what I see right now.

Alyssa meets me from the other side of the car while Harry and Niall grab their bags, one empty duffle bag in their hands. I still can't believe we had to make taking Alyssa a good idea. We had to lie and say she had knowledge in the medical field before she chose culinary as her career path. It wasn't a complete lie, I've taught her a couple things—she isn't trained to do what I do though.

The car was strategically parked behind a dumpster, visible, but not too much for the naked eye to catch. Me and Alyssa follow behind Niall and Harry as they walk towards a door that I'm almost sure leads to the grocery store. As we got closer, I saw that the door was already opened, just a crack of it.

Harry opens the door and we walk inside, the room filled with stacked boxes all around. As we moved through the room, the space seemed like it was shrinking almost. We moved straight through, passing through a door that revealed the everyday supermarket items.

"We need to split up." Harry says.

"I'll take the friend." Niall states.

"Alyssa." She corrects.

"Right. We'll meet here at—" Niall looks down at his watch, "6, 6:15 the latest." He tells us.

"Shouldn't we just stick together?" I mention, wanting to avoid having to communicate with Harry and being alone with him as a whole.

"We have to hurry before it gets dark, as long as you stay with your partner, you should be fine. And by the looks of it yours is on his way already." His eyes moved behind me to where Harry was already halfway down the hallway.

I groan and turn around following behind him from a distance as he turns into the aisle to his left.

You don't have to talk, just grab things silently.

I take a breath before I turn into the aisle he's in as he roams the shelf, looking for something specific. I take my eyes off of him and glance at the shelves—we're in the candy aisle.

"I'm pretty sure candy wasn't on the list." I speak my thoughts aloud, mentally slapping myself for already doing what I said I wouldn't not even 15 seconds ago.

"Neither were you or your friend but here we are." He replies as he lets out a breath, still searching for what he was looking for.

"Word of advice—no one will want to save you if you keep acting like an asshole." I tell him, my words having no effect on him whatsoever.

"Mm." He stops at the end of the aisle, reaching for some sort of candy on the shelf. I watch as he grabs his bag that was hanging on his back. I look towards the handful of items in his hand; an assortment of gum.

I noticed the rings on his hands, a cross tattoo making his left hand different from his right. He zips his bag closed once he puts the gum in it and walks toward me whilst putting his bag back on. I look up at him as he walks right past me, like I'm not there.

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