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Warning: minimal mention of suicide + violence + dead

The world started to look different, but it was still just the beginning.

My body was stripped from the loss of peaceful unconsciousness, my heart rate accelerating from the loud noise of a horn mixed with a scream. My eyes burned from the sudden exposure to light, my brain alerted from the unforeseen disturbance.

"Time to go." Harry said from the driver seat, reaching over to grab the keys of the truck and turned it off, closing the door.

I looked to the back, Alyssa's breathing was fast-paced, matching mine. I rubbed my eyes, a faint headache starting to form. I looked to the other side where Niall wasn't inside either.

The activity in my brain was poor as it was still trying to adjust to everything. Getting woken up like this is probably the worst, it leaves you confused and trying to play catch up all too fast.

"You okay?" I managed to get out, remembering I heard a scream.

"My heart's in my throat right now." She lazily speaks, coming down from her scared state.

I can't blame her, I can still feel my heart beating.

Being able to think rationally, I grab my bag, searching for the ziploc with my toothbrush and toothpaste, grabbing the water bottle from last night that was almost gone. I opened the door all the way, sitting towards the outside while I prepared to brush my teeth.

Hearing another door open, I knew Alyssa was doing the same.

I took the cap off the toothpaste, making a straight line on my toothbrush and bringing it to my mouth to start brushing. The texture was dry, it was missing the moisture of the water, but we are limited now; I'm already wasting some just to brush my teeth.

An adjustment that I''ll have to get used to for sure.

Spreading the blue paste around my mouth, I stared at the floor, my mind blank and just preparing myself for the new journey ahead of us. It doesn't sound like much, but it is, trust me.

The last set location we were at was West palm beach. We have moved from there but we aren't around any signs, just road. Give or take, we have about 600 miles of land to cover to get to Atlanta.
That's 194 hours to get there without stopping, which is impossible.

That's about 9 days, and it will take us much longer than that. I'm not including the altercations we'll get into, the breaks we'll have to take; the hours of the night that we won't be making any progress during or whatever other stops we make.

I guess that time on the treadmill was preparing me for this.

I took the bottle of water from in between my thighs, leaving the brush in my mouth while I removed the lid and set it on my lap. I stuck my tongue out and began to brush it clean.

Once I was done I took the water in my mouth and started to gargle it, trying to rid myself of all the residue in one rinse. I bent over a little, hovering over my nude running shoes and spitting out the blue liquid from my mouth to the floor. The substance sparked up a couple times but only a couple specks landing inside of the car.

I used the remainder of the water to clean my brush, putting it back away in the clear bag after airing out most of the water particles left on it. I covered the toothpaste and joined it back with the toothbrush.

"You guys almost done?" I hear Niall's voice.

"Yea." I answered, putting the empty bottle in the middle compartment with the cookie from last night.

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