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Our list of problems just kept getting longer.

We had been driving for a while, I'm not sure how long it was, I wasn't really paying attention. The only thing I knew was that it was getting dark. We had made a quick stop at a Subway to get something to eat and let Niall's leg breath a bit to then continue our journey to Orlando.

The truck smelled like differently made sandwiches, meats and cold cuts blending with their complimentary items circulating through the air vent. I was only able to finish half of mine, it would hold me over until we got to Orlando. I was still mad about that but since we're making stops here and there, it alleviated my mind portionately. What could I expect from a son of a physical therapist, of course he'd be this eager to walk on his own.

Though, the worry of coming across people was still in the air. Like usual, the Subway we went to was empty along with the area.

The food that was left was still fresh but starting to go bad so we took the premade things from the back to make our food. The building alone gave the Subway a different vibe, it wasn't the usual brown building, it was both grey and black with the neon yellow and green sign. Alyssa said the place gave her overpriced sandwiches and crunchy cookie vibes.

That didn't stop her from emptying out the small shelf and filling a container full of them

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That didn't stop her from emptying out the small shelf and filling a container full of them.

The car started to slow down so I took my eyes off the side window and looked at the one ahead of me. There were cars on all lanes, stopped. Some doors were open, some cars crashed into one another, it was in complete disarray.

"Now what." I raise my eyebrow, the car coming to a halt.

"Well shit." Alyssa mutters, her head coming through the middle space between the seats.

We weren't going to be able to pass through, not with the car, there was barely any space to begin with. Something really bad happened here.

"We walk." Harry and Niall spoke in unison.

Walking all the way to Atlanta? Yeah, that's a good idea. And then the smoke.. the gap we put is going to dismantle faster than we created it. Not to mention Niall's leg.

So much going on with little time to spare.

"We'll die." I affirm. The statement was more so directed towards myself, realization setting when I spoke the words. How could we survive this?

For the first time, there wasn't any argumental comeback, meaning we were all on the same page. Now everything is starting to make sense, we knew people were riding to Atlanta since it was reported on the news, but now we know not everyone made it there, not yet anyway. We haven't come across many people because all of them halted to take their families to the safe place we all desire to reach.

"We're not going to die." Niall breaks the silence. He truly is an optimist.

Harry unlocked his door and got out, leaving the car on and started walking in between the small gaps between the cars. He removed the gun that was tucked into the back of his track pants, holding it by his side in case he needed to shoot.

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