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Tough situations always seemed to bring people together. Or that's how it felt in my mind.

A full week.

That's how long it took us to get out of those damn woods.

The worst week of my life.

The setting turned from being an escape to something I couldn't wait to get out of. Each day we stayed in those woods was another day that felt like no progress was made. Yes, we obviously moved further but it all looked the same, like we had stayed in the same spot for seven days straight.

I won't try and sugar coat this one, it has been absolutely hell, especially since I haven't gotten any sleep. I'd say I've slept about seven hours combined, doing the math that's an hour per day so lets just say my mood isn't where it usually is. To worsen my tired state, I also feel dirty, well I am and that's not the best feeling either, the cleanest thing on my body are my teeth, at least that was the one thing that has been able to stay consistent.

The first night was the worst of all, after getting back with Harry, he had built the fire and I attempted to help, I was watching more than anything. He made a pile out of the wood we collected and used a bottle of liquor that I didn't even know we had. He covered the wood in the alcohol then lit a gum wrapper with a lighter he found from that car he willingly dove into, I guess now looking back, it was a decent sacrifice. The weather wasn't cold but it helped with warming up the food and lighting up the darkness that the woods held.

I couldn't sleep that night for more than ten minutes at a time. It was a back and forth between checking Niall's leg and my own mind not shutting down to let me sleep from its undeviating paranoid thoughts. I gave him Tylenol to relieve the pain while I washed the wound with water and soap that Alyssa had, thank God for that or we would've had yet another thing to worry about.

Throughout those intervals that I'd wake up and check on Niall, Harry was also up, I'm not sure if he ever fell asleep. He was one of the reasons for one of my ten minute wake ups. He had been making noise trying to make food for himself which I haven't understood why he doesn't eat whenever Alyssa makes food for everyone. He's done it everyday this week and I remember when we used to stay at the houses he would eat by himself too.

This is what I've kept myself occupied with, being analytical of the people I'm with, because if I let the voices in my mind wander, it'll drive me insane.

So in the midst of observing his odd behavior, I noticed he had a fresh cut around his hand that had a cross tattoo around his thumb. I have no idea where it came from, I've never paid this much attention to his actions because I'm always so busy arguing and fighting with him, another thing that has stayed consistent, our feud.

Although now I seem to see a pattern in how he acts.

I might be insane already from the lack of sleep and I wouldn't trust any of the information that comes out of my mouth right now, but whenever we bicker or fight, I've seen that we think of things differently.

Actually we think of everything differently.

It's like he only sees things with one outcome and it's always bad so he eliminates everything that doesn't seem logical, where I tend to use my emotions more. So when I said I lack logic and he lacks emotions, I guess it has a deeper meaning than when I spoke it.

The only person that has benefited the most from this horrible week is Alyssa, though its been rough for her too.

The time for her breakdown happened once everything calmed down, when things were peaceful and quiet, that's when it finally hit her, and it was bad. I made sure to comfort her in the best ways I could, just being there with her while she let everything off her chest. I didn't know how to lighten the mood because I was feeling similar to her, I had just denied letting myself feel it so I wouldn't break down like Alyssa had. I'm not saying she shouldn't have, by all means, I understand why she did but if one of us was down, the other had to be strong and be the support system for the other, and right now that's me.

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