Everything for you

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A/n: Hello, a new part after a long time. Hope you like it, ignore the mistakes and blah blah blah🥴😅

Summary: You're having trouble with your boss at work. Jake doesn't like it at all and when the boss crosses a line, Jake decides to do something.

Words: 1k

Warning: Hint of sexual assault.


You come home exhausted from work.
Your boss is an absolute asshole.
Misogyny and he constantly touches you or the other employees or flirts with you.
You disgust yourself, but you don't want Jake to be the only one making the money. So you keep working there until hopefully you find a better job.
"Hey dear, how are you - what happened?"Jake asks anxiously as he sees your decomposed and exhausted face.
Actually, you didn't want to cry again but when he looked at you so worried you had to start again.
"What happened?" he asks again and immediately pulls you into his arms.
"My boss is an asshole" you cry on his chest.
"What did he do again?" Jake sounds really mad.
"He insulted me in front of everyone that I didn't do my job properly and that he fired me. 20 minutes later I was alone and there he apologized but he came far too close and stroked my arm, I was so embarrassed but did not dare to say anything", you explain embarrassed.
"You won't be working there anymore!" he growls angrily.
"I have to" you try.
"No! You're breaking yourself and I'm not watching! He's gonna get what he deserves, I promise you, but you're not going to the company tomorrow!" his voice sounds so powerful you can't disagree.
Even if you did, you just didn't have the strength.
Instead, you just nod and cling tighter to the young hacker.
"Come on, I'll make you some tea and you can go to sleep, you need to rest," Jake whispers in your ear.
"Sleep sounds good," you mumble and detach yourself from him.
You wipe your face and wipe your tears.
Pityingly, Jake looks at you, which is why you give him a little smile.
How can you be as lucky as you? You have the most perfect friend in the world.
Your friend disappears in the kitchen to make tea.
You go to the bedroom to change your clothes and then lie down.
Shortly after, Jake comes into the room with a cup of tea.
"Here, dear, you should really sleep this will do you good," he whispers and kneels in front of the bed to give you a kiss.
"Thank you," you answer.
After Jake leaves the room, you close your eyes and fall asleep faster than expected.

When you wake up the next morning, Jake is not lying next to you in bed.But at least you feel rested and stronger than you did last night. No wonder you were supposed to be at work for two hours, but that turned out.
Tired you come out of the bedroom and follow the smell of coffee.
In the kitchen, Jake sits at the table and looks totally tired.
He hasn't slept last night.
The radio is playing in the background.
While you step into the kitchen, Jake's eyes are on you.
"Good morning! How are you?" he greets you directly.
"I feel better, but how are you? Why didn't you sleep?" you immediately asked.
"I had something to do. Don't worry, I'm fine, I know that stay awake, "grinning, he pulls you up so you stand between his legs.
You put your arms around his neck and bend down to kiss him.
"And now we come to the news" sounds the voice from the radio.
"Last night, a bad incident occurred in the company of the large corporation responsible for shares. After an attack by the hacktivist group Anonymous on the server of the company many videos appeared in which it is to be seen how the boss of the company treats his employees like scum and the female employees again and again inappropriately touched and harassed.
To protect the employees, these faces were all pixelated. Also, it could be determined that the boss has been evading taxes for years. We are talking about millions of dollars.
Immediately the police intervened and took the company chief into custody. When security opened the building this morning, every computer screen had Anonymous's signature.
'We are Anonymous, we are Legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, Expect us! '
The company has been temporarily closed, we wish all victims all the best and much strength, and again Anonymous saves people!" so the moderator finishes the report about the company you work in.
Speechless you stare at Jake who now turns his gaze to you from the radio.
A little grin appears on his face as he sees your shocked face.
Stormy, you fall around his neck.
"Thank you" you breathe and start crying again.
But this time for joy.
"I did what was right, I told you he'd get what he deserved! I'd do anything for you!" he answers and presses you tighter.
"Jake, oh, god, how can I make it up to you? I can never make it up to you." You look at him.
"You did something for me, how am I supposed to do that?" you just keep talking until he presses his lips on yours so you shut up.
"Calm down, I have a little idea how you can do it well," he whispers, looking into your eyes.
"What? Say it, I'll do anything" you breathe captivated by his intense gaze.
"Marry me," he says seriously.
"W-what?" you look at him stunned.
"You heard me already," he replies with a crooked grin.
"Jake, I think you're tired," you mumble and run through his hair.
"Yes, maybe but I mean it! I want you to be my wife! Forever!"
"You really mean that?" more and more tears are running down your face, why are you crying so much right now?
You can't believe he's serious.
"Yes, I mean it! So? What do you say? Do you fulfill my greatest wish?" he asks with hope.
"Yes! Jake Yes! Of course I'll be your wife"
With momentum he pushes you away.
"Really?" this time he looks speechless.
"Of course! I would never have anyone else!" the biggest grin on the face you ever had.
You two can hardly believe your happiness.
This time he pulls you so stormy into his arms that you fall against the refrigerator.
"You'll be my wife," he breathes again and again.
"Yes, Jake, I'll be your wife! Just yours," you confirm him again.
"I love you! I love you so much!" he calls and kisses you.
"I love you more"

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now