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Pairing: Jake x MC [no pronouns / MC is smaller than Jake], The Group.

Genre: Fluff/Humor/ a bit Jake x MC tension (?) (yea it's a genre now)

Words: 588

Warnings: None

A/n: Okay, this was actually meant to be a part of a multi-part fanfiction, how it would be if Jake and MC were also in the house. But multi-part and I... I just can’t get it done, so I don’t know if I will ever write it. Anyway, I like this part and I wanted to post it, so call it scenario, imagine or drabble, I don’t know, it’s just a small snippet. I hope you will like it anyway. Please excuse any mistakes. ❤️

With arms crossed in front of your chest, you lean standing against the kitchen counter, waiting for everyone to sit down at the table so you can start your meeting

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With arms crossed in front of your chest, you lean standing against the kitchen counter, waiting for everyone to sit down at the table so you can start your meeting.

Again and again you look at the stairs and to check if Jake finally comes down, but so far nothing of him is to be seen.

"Wait Dan, I’ll help you," Cleo mumbles as she sees Dan sitting in the wheelchair trying to pull the heavy kitchen chair away to take it's place.

You make a painful grimace as the hobby baker pulls the chair over the light wooden floor and a squeak sounds which could burst your eardrum.

Immediately the brown-haired also gets criticism thrown against the head by the other group members and a confused shouting begins.

"Hello, can you all please be quiet?" you call out loudly in between: "That's not helpful at all and besides, we don’t have time for it, we have to start the meeting!"

"Hacker man is not even here yet," Dan complains immediately, which is why you roll your eyes: "Yes, but... -"

The bearded interrupts you by repeating your words and taking the same pose as you. The arms crossed in front of the chest and rolling his eyes: "Yes but- Yes, but, he is pretty! And such a great guy. And he has a lot to do and has to sit at his computer and work. Besides, I’m totally addicted to him, so he can do anything he wants."

Immediately you want to defend yourself against his words to make him, or rather yourself, realize that this is not true at all, but someone else answers faster than you.

"Thank you, Dan, I’m honored." Jake’s voice can be heard to your right, so you turn your head to him with big eyes.

As always dressed in full black, he stands in the door. His gaze is monotonous and doesn’t reveal many emotions, but you can see how the right corner of his mouth slightly wants to twitch up to mimic a little smile.

Immediately all other voices fall silent and an unpleasant quietness spreads over you.

You bite your lower lip and quickly look on the floor so as not to burst into resounding laughter until Jake’s calm voice turns to you and makes you look at him again.

"Please excuse my delay, I had to investigate something important."

"Is everything okay?" you ask, immediately concerned it could be related to his pursuers.

"Yes, it is, there's nothing to worry about." he assures and approaches you.

You turn to grab the coffee cup that’s standing behind you on the counter: "I made us a coffee before we start," you explain to him before handing him the black cup.

A light smile runs over his lips as he stops pretty close to you and looks deep into your eyes.

You have to bend your head back a little to still be able to look at him too.

"Thank you, MC" he breathes softly and reaches for the cup.

His hands touch yours and immediately your heart threatens to explode.

Your eyes are caught by his and you feel hypnotized by his smell.

Your hands are still touching as he slowly takes the cup out of your hands and looks down at the floor until he finally moves away but then also leans fairly close to you against the kitchen counter.

You shake your head to fully return to reality.

Jake clears his throat, then opens the meeting: "All right. Let us begin."

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now