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Summary: This love is for eternity.

JakexFm!MC (Hannah & Lilly)

Genre: Fluff

Warinings: Jake and MC are maybe a little bit awkward

Words: 595

Originally written/posted: 2nd August, 2021

A/n: This was a spontaneous idea that I had. There may be mistakes in it, I'm sorry. Please forgive this. I hope you'll like it.


"Ready?" the young woman asked with a lovely smile on her face after closing the zipper of her jacket.

A subtle nod of approval was the only answer she received from him, but that was all she needed.

She opened the door and immediately a warm wind hit her, followed by the gentle scent of the freshly blooming flowers that had found their place in the front garden.

But before both could leave the apartment, she approached him.

A light red glow ran down his cheeks from the sudden and unexpected closeness to her.

With a slightly curious look, he looked down at her smaller form and tried to see the following action from her side coming.

"Uhm, your hood, can I?" she also asked slightly shyly as she reached up to straighten the fabric that had slipped.

"S-sure" the young hacker couldn't stop the stuttering of his voice when he noticed her wrists stripping his shoulders and this tiny, almost non-existent movement was enough, to make his heart stumble and let a warmth rise in his belly.

With a few simple steps, the hood was straightened and lay as it should.

When she withdrew from him, she couldn't stop herself from slipping her hand over the print of the 'Nymos' eye on his chest.

It lit up brightly and the desire for another small touch to him was far too tempting.

Once again her need was faster than her mind, but the tingling in her stomach was enough excuse for her.

"Excuse me," it still escaped quickly and barely comprehensible from her lips before she again brought more distance between herself and him.

But, contrary to her expectations, who had assumed that she again would not receive an answer, he grabbed her wrist with a quick movement.

He himself did not really know what he was doing, but before his mind would turn on again, and would prevent him from the desire-action, he quickly leaned down to her and stole a quick but awkward kiss.

He hit her corners of the mouth more than her lips, and his nose cracked slightly painfully against her cheekbones.

Air escaped in a quiet hissing her lips and unsettled him as he moved his head back away from hers.

Now it was she whose cheeks had taken on a red tone. Her gaze was nervously directed against his chest, her eyes slightly enlarged and her lips pointed.

As she raised her head with a smile to look at him, he noticed the relief of his body, and his usually tense posture was released, when it was she who stood on her tiptoes and laid her lips on his for another gentle kiss.

Immediately his eyes closed to concertate only on the nature of her lips and the light taste of the apple pie she had just eaten.

As so often he couldn't help but wonder if it was just a coincidence that her lips fitted so terribly well with his and how dangerous the fast heartbeat that always accompanied kissing was, that felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest at any moment.

She giggled as she parted from him and with a wink, "good" breathed, before she turned around and stepped out of the door with almost floating steps.


Hidden behind the wall, Lilly and Hannah had held their breath and watched their brother and the newly-won friend.

The young hacker's head shook as if he had to get back to reality before he ran after her to bring her back home.

"This love is for eternity," Hannah whispered dreamily and got a little grin from her sister, "If not, I'll eat a broom," the blonde laughed.

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