Jake reacts

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𝙅𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙈𝘾'𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤

Pairing: Jake x MC (She/Her, shoulder length hair) 

Genre: Fluff 

Words: 959 

Warnings: Slightly suggestive at the end 

A/n: I don't know what to say, I hope you will like it and please forgive me any mistakes. P.s. Do whatever you want but please be careful when I get you partner tattoos or relationship tattoos. <3

It had been three months since she last saw Jake

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It had been three months since she last saw Jake. In this time, his pursuers had changed their tactics several times, which caused many problems and did not allow the couple to meet again. The danger that something could go wrong was too great in Jake's eyes.

Although MC would take any risk if it meant she could see him for a second, he would rather die than exposing her to even greater danger.

But now the time finally came. They finally faced each other again. Standing in the middle of the hotel room while her hands trembled with nervousness.

His eyes scanned her whole body as if he could find out where the new tattoo was she could finally show him.

"By all means, love, do not make me suffer, introduce me to your new tattoo," he pleaded excitedly, taking one step towards her.

MC released a gush of air, then she nodded rather to herself before she turned her back to him.

In her mind she began to count.

One. She reached back over her shoulder.

Two. She grabbed her hair. 

Three. She lifted her hair to offer him a view of her neck, finally showing him her newest tattoo. Her most beautiful tattoo.

She could not see his face, but she heard him sharply inhaling the air.

Then nothing happened at all.

She was waiting for an answer, for any further reaction that would relieve her tension, but nothing. A few moments later she threatened to explode with anxiety, therefore she let her hair fall back down and faced him again. She dried her sweaty palms on her pants. What if he doesn't like it or worse, what if-

"You are crazy."

She looked into his wide open eyes and swallowed. Wanted to say something quickly, apologizing or explaining herself or similar, but she did not get the chance. With two big steps he stood right in front of her, grabbed her cheeks and let his lips collide greedily with hers. Jake immediately took over her completely, taking the lead without mercy.

Both breathed heavily as they drowned in each other's scent and taste.

The hacker's hands glided over her cheeks, down her neck and over her shoulders until he finally touched the spot of the new tattoo. Goose bumps run down MC's back, the tiny hairs on her arms straightened up.

Jake had to stop himself otherwise he would probably never let this kiss end again.

When also the rest of oxygen had escaped from their lungs, he broke off the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers, only then did she open her eyes, meeting his icy blue.

"Is it real?" he gasped, pecking her lips again.

She chuckled, "Of course it's real."

"I need to see it again, right. I-I have to see it" Begging he grabbed her hips to turn her around.

He stroked her shoulders and gently lifted her hair to get a proper look at the Nymos-Eye tattoo hidden under her hair. Only with hair tied up it would be visible to everyone.

"MC, babe, it's - you're - incredible." She felt his breath on her neck. "It is, it's my sign, you've - you've got my sign, forever." He was caressing the lines of the eye with his fingertips, her skin tingled and her heart beated dangerously strong.

"I'm glad you like it." She couldn't hide her relief.

"Liking? I love it, I adore it, I love it as much as I love you, indescribably much." His warm breath crawled over her skin, then he placed a kiss on the tattoo.

"I don't know what to say, MC, it's fantastic, the meaning, certainly, but also the outlining and the shades. I love the 3D effect and the style you chose."

Happiness but above all pride filled the young woman as she turned to face her boyfriend once again. She balanced on her tiptoes right in front of his face, "Thank you, thank you so much."

She placed her hands on his chest. "I want you to know I'll always be by your side, just as you will be by my side forever now."

"I'd be damned if I'd ever be that stupid to let you go. If this ever happens, I'll have 'idiot' tattooed on my forehead."

Laughing, she crossed her arms behind his neck and let herself sink against his body.

"Do not laugh," he grumbled, hiding his head in her neck bend, "I mean it."

"In that case, I don't know if I should not dare to take the risk. It would be a spectacle I would really love to see."

Jake quickly reacted to her teasing, bent down, grabbed her thighs and lifted her up. MC had expected this and immediately wrapped her legs around his waist.

"How did I know you would say that?" he asked, making his way straight towards the bed.

"Because you know and love me."

He kissed her again. When his knees touched the bed he crawled in the middle of the mattress. She relaxed her grip and slumped into the soft sheets.

"I believe-" the black-haired one mumbled as he kissed down her cheek to her neck, "-I have to take another closer look at the tattoo."

His lips flew over her collarbone, his warm breath dancing over her chest.

"This could be relatively difficult if we continue as we are now, the position is not conducive."

Jake laughed roughly, stopping the worshipping of her skin and looking up, "Fortunately, I remember some positions where I have a wonderful view of your back and your neck."

With the next kiss, both sank into another world.

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now