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Summary: After a migraine attack from MC, Jake comes to check on her.

Pairing: Jake x Fem!MC (She/Her)

Genre: Fluff/ Comfort

Words: 666 

Warning: None

Originally posted: 5 December, 2022

A/n:  I just had such terrible migraines and after that I was just like MC and all I needed was a Jake, so I wrote it. It's nothing special, just a little fluffy Jake x MC. Hope you all will like it. Excuse the mistakes please. ❤️

Tired and exhausted from the migraine that had plagued the young woman all day, she lay in a much too large hoodie, snuggled in two blankets, on the bed

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Tired and exhausted from the migraine that had plagued the young woman all day, she lay in a much too large hoodie, snuggled in two blankets, on the bed. She had loosened the braid she had previously worn to relieve her scalp a little. And although her face felt incredibly hot from the severe headaches, she wore the hood of the hoodie. It was just incredibly cuddly and made her feel a little bit safely hidden. She felt more than comfortable now that the migraine tablets had finally helped. Again and again her eyes fell closed, but she could not completely drift into sleep.

She was lying there in bed, not knowing how long she had been lying there and without moving one centimeter or making a noise. She just enjoyed the silence.

Again, her already burning eyes closed and she smiled from pure relaxation. She was just more than happy to have finally overcome her terrible migraine.

After several more quiet minutes, she could suddenly hear quiet footsteps coming closer and closer.

And the closer the steps came, the more the young woman had to try not to grin even wider.

Right in front of her, the steps stopped, then the mattress lowered next to her, now she could not hold back her smile any longer. Tired, she looked up and directly into the ice blue eyes of Jake, who looked at her concerned.

"Hello" she whispered.

"Hello, MC," he answered softly: "How are you feeling? Is there an improvement?"

She nodded slightly: "Yes, fortunately now, finally."

He raised a hand and slowly moved it towards her cheek.

She closed her eyes again, waiting expectantly for his touch.

First, he put his flat hand on her forehead, and then on her cheek: "Your head is still very warm," he muttered: "Maybe we should check for fever."

"No, I don't need that. You know my face is always so warm after a migraine attack," she explained, clinging her face to his cool hand.

"You're right, I'm just worried."

"Are you done with your work?" she asked, sounding a little hopeful.

She felt him remove his hand, but shortly afterwards his fingertips danced over her cheek in small circles.

"Not really, but I prefer to be with you."

She opened her eyes again and looked a little shy but excitedly grinning back into his.

He smiled down at her, placed his hand back on her cheek: "I love you.", he whispered in a rough voice and bent down to lay his lips on hers for a gentle kiss.

She almost sighed at the contact that caused millions of happiness hormones to explode in her body.

After releasing his lips from hers, his thumb strived over her cheek with light pressure.

"Slide a little" he asked her and immediately she followed his words, sliding back to make space for him. He properly sat down on the bed, leaning his back agains the backrest, stretching out his legs long before crossing them.

She watched him without turning her eyes away. His movements were so careful, it seemed as if he was afraid her migraine could return if he moved too much.

When he had taken his desired position, he tapped his hand on his stomach and silently told her to lie down.

She did nothing with more joy than that and placed her head on the spot he had interpreted. Then she slid her whole body towards him and also wrapped one leg over his.

He placed his right arm over her shoulders to hold her in place, and his left hand found place on her cheek again. Carefully he stroked back and through her hair until the hood slid off her head.

Calming and careful, his fingers ran over her cheek, then through her hair. Neither of them spoke a word, all they did was enjoy the wonderful silence.

The longer they lay there, the more tired MC became until she finally fell asleep, still in the same position.

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now