Jake The Dancing Queen

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A/N:So, this is the second story I wrote, very short but I hope it’s okay anyway. I hope you like it

(My native language is German so please be lenient with my English and mistakes)
Words: 770

You came home a little earlier from work today. Before you can unlock the door, your attention is directed to the quiet music that runs in the apartment.
Usually you and Jake only listen to music via headphones. A strange habit of both of you.
You shake your head and open the door quietly so as not to scare the hacker. Like every evening, you put your shoes by the door and hang the jacket in the small closet next to the door.
As quietly as possible you make your way to the kitchen where you can listen the music and Jake.
When you see your friend standing there, you must immediately restrain yourself not to laugh out loud to not destroy the moment. The otherwise so serious young man stands with his back to you, cuts vegetables for dinner and dances easily to 'Hound Dog from Elvis Presley'.
Fascinated by the sight you lean against the door frame and watch the situation further.
His head moves to the beat of the music and with his legs he takes turns one step to the left and then one to the right.
All in one, it just looks too funny and cute.
But there are certainly worse dancers than Jake.
For two minutes, you just stand in the door and watch your friend cut peppers, tomatoes and carrots and dance to the song. However, without leaving the place where he stands.
After the song is over, it changes to 'Hot in Herre-Nelly'.
You have to take this opportunity and get your phone out of the back pocket to film Jake’s show.
"Its gettin hot in here
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin so hot, I wanna take my clothes off " he sings the lyrics softly.
You must be red like the tomato he’s cutting right now while you’re frantically trying not to laugh.
He pours everything together into a pot that’s on the stove, and suddenly turns in your direction.
Of course, he didn’t expect you to stand there and he get scared. Actually, your plan was to avoid that.
"Ah my God," he cries.
As hard as you tried not to laugh, you can’t stand it anymore and loud laughter comes out of your mouth.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asks, blushing in shame.
Embarrassed, he scratches his neck.
"For five minutes or so," you explain laughing. He’s so uncomfortable he can’t even look at you.
"Oh my God, that’s embarrassing," he muttered over and over.
"Oh, Jake, don’t worry, that was so sweet" you’re say happy.
"Why are you here? You’re working for another hour" he desperately tries to distract from the situation.
"I still have overtime left, so I was allowed to leave early," you grin.
"Did you film me?" he points with big eyes at the cell phone in your hand
Immediately you finish the recording but can’t stop annoying him a little.
"Yes I did, our children will love the video" you grin innocently at the young hacker.
"Please delete the video" he pleads.
"No," provocatively, you wink at him.
"Honey, please delete it, I’m embarrassed," he keeps trying.
"Hm.." briefly you consider, "Sorry babe but no, I can not"
He comes up to you and tries to take your phone away.
You can hide it behind your back.
"Only if you kiss me" you giggle.
"This is extortion and can be punished with a fine"
"How good that you would never report me".
"Oh, you wanna bet?" he counters.
"So, a kiss?" you remind him again of your demand.
He growls annoyed, but pulls you to himself and presses his lips on yours.
Jakes discomfort disappears and he lovingly puts his hands on your cheeks.
As almost always, the kiss is very soft and tender.
Soon after, he breaks away from you and looks at you.
"You’re not gonna erase the video, are you?" he sighs.
"No, and you can’t get to your computer until I pull the video onto a USB stick. Not that you still have the idea to hack my cell phone and delete the video yourself"  sugar-sweet you grin and give him a short kiss.
He looks at you speechless, which is why you quickly scurry past him to get into the kitchen.
Smiling you press on the next song in the Youtube playlist.
"Come on, I’m hungry" you laugh and start moving to "Starships-Nicki Minaj".
You stir the food in the pot until two arms wrap around your stomach from behind.
Jake puts his head on your shoulder and whispers, "And that’s why I love you."
"Oh, but I love you more"

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