These butterflies, you know?

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Jake x MC (She & Her) / Pure fluff / No warnings / 1306 words

Summary: Waking up in the middle of the night.

Originally posted on Tumblr - Aug. 10th, 2021

Surely he had one arm wrapped around her to hold her close to his body and to feel every breath of hers and know her safe

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Surely he had one arm wrapped around her to hold her close to his body and to feel every breath of hers and know her safe.

Even though it was already the middle of the night, Jake still couldn't afford to sleep. The work and its importance took precedence over his own well-being. He had always cared about little sleep, his body was used to it after all these years, but what he cared about was her sleep. So it happened that every night he lay - with her on his chest - in bed to work from there on the things that were crucial to her and his safety.

At first he hardly noticed, as highly concentrated as he was, that she had awakened and now looked interested at the screen of the laptop with tired eyes, independently trying to understand what was going on there. As always, he held his phone in the hand of the arm he had put around her shoulders. It's dimmed screen just got his full attention.

As soon as she removed her hand from underneath her cheek, on which she had been lying, he immediately caught her eye and all of his attention was focused solely on her.

Instantly he felt as if fireworks were exploding in his belly and his blood was being stirred up by an army of butterflies. His heart stopped for a few seconds as a flood of boundless affection for her rolled through his body, accelerating the heartbeat as if he had just run hundreds of miles.

A tired glow gleamed in her eyes but her lips were slightly swollen but twisted into a small and loving smile. Her hair was a little confused the cheeks reddened. All in one she was, as always, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and only her sight brought him all the happiness the world has to offer.

Still, his voice sounded a little bit surprised and hoarse when he greeted her with a slightly reserved, "Hi." Then changed into a slightly worried tone, "Why did you wake up? Are you awake because of me? Did I wake you up? Was I too loud? Are the screens too bright?"

He spoke much too quickly for her sleepy brain to process what he had asked at his hectic pace.

Nevertheless, she knew exactly what the questions were, because she had heard them so often from his mouth that she did not even need to look to know what happening in his head and what emotions reflected his beautiful blue eyes.

A low chuckle broke out between her lips as she straightened her upper body a little to be able to look at him better. On top of that, the longing for a sugar-sweet kiss of his lips awakened deep within her and demanded to be satisfied as fast as possible.

"Don't worry," she muttered, but was interrupted by a yawn. She quickly held her hand in front of her mouth and turned her head away before she blinked at the young hacker a little irritated. "What I wanted to say, don't worry. I woke up for no reason. It's not your fault and it didn't bother me," she assured him as she leaned closer to him to fulfill her desire for a kiss.

But just before her lips meet his, she stopped. Excitement ran through her veins, causing her heart to accelerate. Even before they finally kissed, her lips already started tingling just by being close to him. She closed her eyes as she leaned her forehead against his and and exhaled trembling.

She felt how nervous she became and how much everything in her wanted this kiss, one she had experienced so often with him. But one that kept making her feel like it was her first.

Her hand shook slightly as she laid it on his left chest and could feel his equally fast heartbeat.

Of course, the trembling did not remain hidden from him, which he took as an occasion to close his much larger hand around her smaller one. "These butterflies, you know?" he whispered, alluding to the moment when the two actually kissed each other for the first time.

Back then he had been so terribly nervous that he did not dare to kiss her. But at that moment, she didn't feel any different, which made her whisper, "These butterflies, you know?" to show him that she was as anxious as he was. And that moment gave them their own expression, their very own meaning of the love they shared. For what could be more beautiful than the excited tingling that one felt when one had found the love of their life.

His words gave her the impetus she had sought to press her lips on his, and he was all too happy to meet her. Cupped her cheek with his hand, and fell completely into the emotions. He sighed contentedly into the kiss, felt as if all the burden fell off of him as he perceived the softness of her skin and the sweet taste of her lips.

The emotions that flooded him led him to increase the pressure on her lips as he leaned his forehead against hers tightly and his nose pressed against her cheeks bones.

It wasn't a demanding kiss, on the contrary, except for his other hand, which gently settled on her neck, they didn't even move. It was not a hectic kiss, not a wild and particularly passionate one.

It was a necessary kiss, a necessary kiss that gave both joy. A kiss that gave both hold, before they could lose each other. A kiss that strengthens the emotional bond and gives both new courage and strength. New will to survive and another reason why it was worth fighting. To fight against all the problems that the two had and against those who would still come to them. To fight against all the old memories and all the new ones. A kiss that showed how much they needed each other and that they were everything they wanted.

The lack of air was what made them have to separate again, even if none of them wanted to. Their faces, however, remained close to each other, her forehead leaning against his as both came to breath again. He looked deeply into her beautiful eyes that reflected his own little dream. Her lips were even more swollen and reddened and made her look even more perfect. He couldn't help but drive his thumb over her lower lip before stealing another quick kiss.

Slightly giggling, she distanced herself, feeling overjoyed and at the same time completely exhausted, which her body immediately divulged with another yawn.

"You should go back to sleep," the black-haired one whispered, his voice was too weak to speak louder, slowly overwhelmed by the need for sleep as well.

Without protest, she nodded in agreement. "You also should sleep soon," she teased him as she laid her head back onto his chest. He immediately placeded his arm around her shoulders again, pulling her closer, "I promise I will sleep soon."

This time it was him who was overtaken by a yawn. She searched for a comfortable position and looked up to him again, "Tell me what you're doing there." He shook his head amused "I don't understand how you can fall asleep from all this. It's really not interesting for you," he noted, helping her to smile one last time, "These butterflies, you know? The butterflies triggered by your voice."

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