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Jake takes care of MC during a migraine attack

Pairing: Jake x fem!MC 

Genre: Comfort / Fluff 

Words: 866 

A/n: Hey Ho! Yep, I know I've done something similar before. However, during migraine attacks I'm  just like MC. I wish I had a Jake, I need one. Since I don't have one, I wrote it down. It is, as so often, just something small, do not expect too much. This is kinda self indulged. Hope you like it anyway. Please excuse the mistakes. 💚

In the middle of the night a pain-distorted moan penetrated directly to his ear and the young hacker opened his eyes worried

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In the middle of the night a pain-distorted moan penetrated directly to his ear and the young hacker opened his eyes worried. "MC?" He asked quietly and looked to the side in the dark room. "Jake" she croaked and immediately he knew that something was completely wrong.

"What is wrong?" He moved a little closer.

She lay on her side, face away from him. Dimly he could see that she had placed a hand on her forehead and kept her eyes closed. It took her a moment to answer. "Migraine" she pressed out.

Shit. "Did you already take a painkiller?"

"No, there are no more in my bedside cabinet."

He instantly hit the duvet to the side and moved as carefully as possible as he stood up from the bed so that MC was not touched by his movements. "I'll get you one." He whispered and left the room quietly.

Although the apartment of the two was still shrouded in pure darkness, he managed to move elegantly and without bumping into something straightaway into the kitchen. Only there, when MC could no longer get dazzled, he switched on the light.

Quickly he opened the cupboard in which the medicines are stored and took out the pack of special migraine tablets. He reached for a bottle of water, which was standing on the kitchen countertop. In addition, he took a cooling pad from the freezer and also a small towel, which he wrapped around the pad. He left the kitchen again in the dark and hurried to get back to MC, clutching everything under his arm.

Once there, he heard her whimper again, which hit him directly into his – only for her beating – heart. "I'm here, MC, can you sit up?" He asked and sank on the mattress next to her. Putting the bottle on the bedside table and placing the cooling pad next to him.

"I don't know, I'm so dizzy, my head feels so hot."

"Let me help you," he reached for her free hand, pushing the other one under her, grasping her shoulders and helping her to gently straighten up.

She leaned against the backrest, still keeping her eyes closed.

The young hacker carefully gave her the cooling pad by gently pulling away the hand she had laid on her forehead, placing the cool aid slightly on this very spot. Reflexive MC guided her hand back, pressing the pad against her head. A pleasurable sound came out of her mouth as the cold welcomed, hugged her and briefly distracted her from the pain.

Jake quickly opened the bottle, then grabbed the pill to break it in the middle. He knew MC has trouble swallowing meds when she has such bad migraines.

"Here," he whispered, giving her the first half.

He helped her to sit up more straight and handed her the water. It took MC a few seconds before she managed to lift her arm to clamp the half of the tablet between her lips. She took the bottle, carrying it to her mouth. To make it less difficult, Jake kept holding the end of the flask supportive while his girlfriend drank a few sips. A few more senconds passed before she managed to flush the pill down.

Disgusted, she grimaced as the bitter ingredient spread into her mouth. Sympathetically, Jake did the same, pursing his lips while MC repeated it with the second half of the drug.

When that was done, he put the still open bottle back on the nightstand. If MC wanted to drink some more, she did not have to open it first.

"Lie back down" the black-haired hacker gently demanded while removing the blanket so that she could slide down. She lay down on her right side and as he wrapped the fabric around her body.

Slowly he went around the bed to carefully crawl behind her. She automatically slid backwards until her back touched his chest.

He pushed one arm under her neck until she was lying on his upper arm, then he detached her hand by holding the cooling pad for her and allowing MC to relax her arm.

Immediately, she reached back to grab his other hand to cross their fingers with each other. She pulled her legs up to her upper body, dragging herself back against him, and curled up in his arms like a helpless puppy suffering from pain. The hacker's thumb lightly stroked the back of her hand to signal that he was here and was watching over her.

"Try to get some more sleep" he breathed a kiss on the back of her head. The young woman did not answer, but only nodded slightly.

And so the two lay there, surrounded by soothing darkness.

Jake self only closed his eyes after he was sure that MC had fallen asleep again. Only then he granted himself to also get a little more rest.

But he did not really fell asleep, it was more of a doze. One eye and one ear awake and ready to help her at all times if the attack does not subside. This will be the case for the remainder of his life.

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now