The real you (11th Doctor)

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Request for MilyArren

"A one-shot which takes place in the episode 'The almost people' and where the reader is married to the Doctor. She is afraid of both Doctors, avoiding both of them, making the Doctor wants to talk to the reader. It has a happy ending."

Thank you so much for your request! I didn't had much memories from this episode so I had to read the summary on the Wiki x) so I might have took some liberties, I hope it's okay. Please enjoy!!!


Scream and pain stood before me as the Ganger Doctor tried to adjust to the form. Everyone was watching with fear and curiosity, as I was frightened. The real Doctor was looking at his clone being formed right under his eyes. The Ganger Doctor was babbling things I didn't understand, while my husband was trying to support him through the pain. I couldn't understand what was happening as I was frozen in fear. Soon enough, the Ganger stood up still, looking exactly like my lover: he was ready.

"Ah! How do you find me, Y/N?" said the clone.

I avoid my look. I didn't want to look at... this atrocity. The way that just a minute ago, his face looked like bare flesh, all pale, barely no nose with huge dark circles under his eyes... it reminded me of You-know-who.

I turned my back to look at Amy, her big eyes watching me. The miners behind her seemed also in pain, as they were trying to barricade the door. Amy and I, without a word, went to walk towards them and help them to barricade the entrance. The revolted gangers were behind it, trying to open it.

Through our grunts and sighs, I could hear the Doctors behind us talking and telling each other how much they're smart, clever, etc. I sighed to myself. It was so him. But instead they were two.

"We still have to find Rory and his little new friend." said Amy, sounding exasperated and jealous.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Alright, kids! We should split up!" said both Doctors behind me and Amy.

"Yes! Amy, Dickens and me, to the left!" said the clone Doctor. "Yes! And you, Jimmy, and Cleaves, to the right!" said the real Doctor.


Everyone looked at me in astonishment. The Doctor had his lips pressed into a fine line, waiting for me to explain why.

"I mean, um... someone has to look at the door if the Gangers try to come back..."

The Doctors looked at me in concern. The group of the Ganger Doctor went to the left without any more words, while my husband still was looking at me.

"Look." he said softly while approaching me. He took my hands in his and stroke my alliance with his thumb. "I know you're scared of... him. Well, he's less gorgeous at me, so, I can understand why he's terrifying, but..." he stopped and look at his left and at his right and saw that no one was there anymore. He put a quick kiss on my lips. "See? I'm real. Don't be afraid."

I smiled softly at him.

He kept my hands in his and dragged me down to the right, where his group left a few minutes ago. We quickly caught up with the rest of the team. Everyone was on their guard, in case one of the revolted Gangers appeared.

The Doctor and I were still holding hands, him giving a stroke to my hand from time to time.

Finally, we found Rory and two Jennifers. They seemed to be arguing while we arrived.

"I'm the real one!" screamed one of the women.

Rory, in the middle of their argue, looked totally defeated.

"Ah! There you are!" said the Doctor while clapping his hands together and walked towards Rory.

"It's been ten minutes and I still can't know which one is the real Jennifer."

"Don't worry. I have some experience in the clone thing."

His sentence reminded me the existence of scary Ganger. Just to think about gave me shivers all the way down my spine. The Doctor seemed to have notice my shudder.

"Ah! There you are!" said the Doctor's voice from behind me. My shiver only grew bigger knowing from whom it was...

The Ganger Doctor and his group joined us, seeing the delicate situation with both Jennifers and Rory. Amy seemed furious but stayed still.

The Doctor's clone walked to me and put his flesh arm over my shoulder, putting his weight on me and using me as a support. I immediately took a step to the opposite position, making the clone nearly falling down. The Doctor – my real husband – was watching the scene from the corner of his eyes. I was obviously not at ease, and maybe blushing from shame as I felt my face being hot.


The three of us finally went back the TARDIS at the end of these events. Before closing the door, I threw a last look at the Ganger Doctor, who was also watching me from above his shoulder. He gave me a confident smile, before activating his sonic. I saw the Ganger Doctor disappeared into a liquid form before becoming a little pool on the floor.

The TARDIS's doors immediately shut. I only saw what happened to the Ganger in a glimpse of time, but it was enough for me to be terrified now. Did I just witnessed the Doctor dying, for the second time - first being on Lake Silencio?

As I started to sweat from terror, I felt a hand softly landing on my shoulder. I quickly turned my back to face my husband, obviously worried.

"I'm here, and I'm real." He insisted on the last word, putting both of his hands on my cheeks. His face approached mine and his eyes were inspecting me closely. "I know you were scared earlier. But you don't have to, when I'm close to you. Nothing could tear us apart, I swear."

"I trust you, but..." worry invaded my eyes again, and the Doctor started to stroke my cheeks. "Never mind. You're right. I shouldn't have been scared. I know you better than anyone. I'm your wife, after all."

"Yes, and that's why I would protect you at all costs. You know, I didn't leave my eyes from you and from the clone. But even if it was a clone, it was still me. And he sacrificed himself to save us, to save you. Just like me." He put his brilliant smile on his face, making me remember why I love him so much.

"Yes, you're right." Finally, I was able to smile too.

"I love you." The Doctor said, putting a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too, silly."

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