Sleep well (1/2) (11th Doctor)

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It's been a week or two since I haven't seen the Doctor. Well, it is for me, because for him there's a high chance it's only been a day. I start to miss our adventures sometimes, but I had a lot of work to do these past few days.

I was walking home. It was a bit late. Finally, weekend was coming! I could rest tomorrow. As I put my key in my door's lock, I heard some ramblings inside my apartment. I checked if there were any signs of intrusion on my door, but no one. And since I live in 7th floor, I doubt that anyone could break in through my window.

Suddenly, I felt excited. No one else has my key. And who could teleport into my apartment with it being locked?...

I burst into my apartment, all excited for what was waiting for us. My exhaustion disappeared to let my excitement take all the place in my brain and in my heart.

"Doctor!!!" I screamed, hopefully waiting to see him screaming my name back.

But all I could see for the moment was my living room upside down. Was the Doctor searching for something? Or it wasn't the Doctor?...

And now, my excitement disappeared, and my anxiety stroke back. But since I screamed, I was discovered. I went into the kitchen, but it was upside down too. I went carefully in my bedroom, only to see a blue box standing there, doors full open.

It was a real rollercoaster for my emotions. Now I started to feel relief. I entered in the TARDIS. I was greeted by a joyful Doctor, wearing his fez.

"Oh! Hello, Y/N! You're finally there."

"Why is my living room like this? And my kitchen?" I asked curiously.

"Because I was searching for you. You were not there when the TARDIS landed."

"You know I was not hiding beneath my sofa. You know I have a job, right?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. But I know too that you, humans, are unpredictable."

"Are you joking?! You're the unpredictable one! You Time Lord!" I retorted, mockingly.

The Doctor and I laughed, and then run in each other arms for a welcome hug.

"How long has it been for you?"

"Maybe two days. But I've missed you!"

"It's been more than a week for me! I missed you more." As I said this, the Doctor hugged my tighter, making me blush.

He suddenly broke the hug and ran into the console. "So! Where to?!" he asked, very enthusiastically. I could tell he was happy to see me again. And so was I.

"I don't know, bring me somewhere exciting!"

"Oh, good Y/N, I know exactly where to bring us!"

He went to push on some buttons and manipulate some levers. He revolves around the console and I was watching him doing his things. From where I was, it looked like he was dancing with the TARDIS. She was making her motor growl very loudly. The Doctor was still running all around the console, when he put the last lever down. "We've arrived! Welcome to Hùpnosmir!"

He went towards the doors and opened them both in a dramatic way. He was really proud of him for bringing me there.

I was behind him. When we went outside, he pushed himself to my left, letting me see the landscape. He was watching my reaction. I knew it because he does this every time.

The landscape was all dark. It was like the countryside on Earth, except everything was black: the trees, the flowers, the grass. Even the sky, there was no sun to heat the planet and so it was so cold. There was fog when we were breathing.

"It's... strange."

"Yeah... I think it too." Replied the Doctor, suspiciously.

"Is there anyone on this planet?"

"Well... it used to be. Let's go find out."

I followed the Doctor on the dark land. The grass was hard, as if it was iced. There were no birds nor insects. The nature was all black and dead - well, it seemed dead.

As we were walking, we could see some houses from far away. But they were as black as the trees and the sky. The Doctor decided to go in a house to investigate.

We arrived at a certain house. The shutters were closed, but very damaged. And so were the walls and the front door. As we opened it, a cloud of dust was created due to the door being moved for the first time in years. It made a crackling sound. Inside was no light. The Doctor took his sonic screwdriver to use it as a flashlight.

"You know, Y/N, this planet used to be coloured. The trees were very colourful, with fruits and flowers in them. Locals were very welcoming too. But know, it seems like everything disappeared."

"Maybe a war happened?"

"Oh, if a war destroyed this beautiful planet, I should've known, Y/N." he said this while looking back at me.

While he was not looking in front of him, the Doctor bumped into something. A huge 'boom' was heard across the house. He broke something that look like an old vase or something. "Whoops. Didn't see that." And he walked away.

I tried to follow him, but since he was the one with the flashlight, it was difficult for me to follow his pace.

Suddenly I started to feel dizzy. I can feel my head was spinning a little. And spinning harder and harder. My head felt huge, and loud, and heavy. I suddenly feel so exhausted, as if I didn't sleep in years. I could see the Doctor in front of me stumble. He tried to stand still but it was stronger than him and he leaned on the table next to him.

"Ugh, I can't think. Shut up, Y/N."

I couldn't respond to his insult. I was too tired. At any moment, I could fall like a rock and sleep like a baby. I needed to find a place where to lay down. But I can't walk anymore. I didn't feel my legs anymore. It's like they went away.

"Y/N, a-are you okay?" the Doctor asked me, his head in his right hand, trying to see me with his tired eyes.

I was falling. My legs left me and so my brain did. I felt arms catching me before I went to sleep, against my will.

"Sleep well, now."

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