Under water (11th Doctor)

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Another day meant another adventure with the Doctor. Today he wanted to bring me somewhere special but didn’t tell me where. He wanted to keep the surprise. I watched him swinging around the console, trying to fly the TARDIS while being excited like a young child. His footsteps on the glass floor sounded like music among the noises the TARDIS made.

From time to time, the Doctor was glancing at me, with his bright smile. He was very excited to bring me to his surprise.

At some point, I guessed we arrived. The Doctor didn’t even dare to look at the TARDIS’ screen. He was too excited for that, so he directly headed towards the doors.

“Y/N, are you ready for the adventure of your life?!” he said while having both of his hand on the doors, ready to open them anytime. He turned his head to look at me, still having his big smile on his face.

I couldn’t hide my excitement as well. The Doctor’s joy was contagious. I nodded, trying not to show the Doctor I couldn’t wait anymore to see where he brought me.

In his dramatic manner, he opened the doors. But soon enough, the Doctor was violently pushed several meters back, his back hurting the console. In fact, I was too. But everything was too quick, and I had barely the time to notice what was happening.

Water. Water everywhere.

And a huge amount of water. In a few seconds, the console room was nearly full of water, the Doctor and I struggling to keep our heads on the surface. We somehow managed to take our hands under the water, so we won’t be separated by the waters flooding the TARDIS. At this pace, the entire spaceship would be full!

I tried my best not to let go of the Doctor’s hand. I watched him as he seemed to be struggling more than me to keep his head out of the water. But the console room was quickly full. There was no surface anymore. The water touched the roof.

I took a last deep breath before entering my whole head through the water. The Doctor was already entirely under water.

I saw the lights through the TARDIS, even though my see was blurry because of the water. I tried to swim towards the doors, and I was nearly dragging the Doctor with me under the water.

But a thought hit me. What if the Doctor didn’t know how to swim? Well, he doesn’t look like he knows. He isn’t doing any move to try to swim. It’s really just me dragging him.

Finally I managed to bring the Doctor and I outside the TARDIS. But there was still water. I lifted my head up to see where the light was coming from. It seemed like the surface was near. Still dragging the Doctor, I was swimming upwards.

As our heads broke into the surface, we both gasped heavily for air. The Doctor was coughing and left my hand to try to stay on the surface. His arms were waving around him like a little dog trying to swim.

We both watched around us. But there was nothing, only water. We couldn’t even swim to the land.

“I- I must’ve miscalculated somewhere. I think we’re- we’re in the wrong period. It’s not supposed to look like this.” stuttered the Doctor between his loud breaths.

“Where are we then?!”

“Cannot tell you! Still a surprise!” he took a pause “Listen, Y/N. I- I can’t return to the TARDIS. Well, not right now.”

“It seems like you cannot swim.”

“Doesn’t matter.” he was looking for something in his pocket, and he took out his sonic screwdriver, handing it to me “Take this, you’ll need this. You have to return to the TARDIS and use this to make the TARDIS come out of water.”

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