Request for Skinny_Legend541
"A self-insert where the Doctor is still sad about the Doomsday event and where the reader tries to cheer him up"
Thank you for your request! I'm sorry if it took time. I hope you will like it!
"Rose Tyler..."
The star outside the TARDIS just exploded. There was no more energy to use for the Doctor's projection to Rose.
The Doctor didn't finish his sentence that tears dropped off his eyes to land on his cheeks now becoming wet.
I was sitting quietly on the stairs, watching him in defeat as I understood that he couldn't tell Rose how much he loved her.
I decided to let him cry alone for this moment. He needed it.
He put his face in his hands, exhaled deeply and just walked towards the console, his face remaining neutral, as if nothing just happens.
The Doctor put coordinates on the TARDIS, put down a lever and the machine just flew away.
I was impressed by how the Doctor managed his Rose crisis for the past few days. His ability to act like Rose never existed was quite remarkable.
For me, it was difficult. I tried my best to hide my sadness to not affect the Doctor too much.
I've been travelling with the two of them for months now, and I built a strong bond with both the Doctor and Rose. It was difficult for me because I just lost a friend, but it was harder for the Doctor who lost his lover.
So, it was now my job to act like this didn't happen. I didn't want to make the Doctor remember it, even if I knew pertinently that he couldn't forget a bit of it.
The Doctor just led us to a peaceful planet full of Zygons for tourism he said. We were in a sort of mall, just doing shopping.
I was trying to put on a happy face all day. It was exhausting, but I did it for the Doctor. Even if I was faking it, by the end of the day, I managed to convince myself that I was "happy". On the contrary, the Doctor was not wearing a happy face. I could see that he tried his best not to ruin the mood of our journey and that it was quite difficult for him.
But I kept trying to cheer him up. I kept telling him jokes, talking about my life on Earth... I tried to keep his mind busy. But I knew deep down that all he could think of when he was looking right into my eyes was Rose.
When we got back to the TARDIS, the Doctor sent me home without a word. I understood that he wanted to be alone. I felt bad just leaving him like this, but I knew he needed some space.
I walked out of the TARDIS. I was in my backyard, in front of the blue police box, waiting for it to dematerialize so I knew the Doctor flew away.
But it didn't. The box was still standing there, even after 30 seconds. Usually, right after I'm outside the TARDIS, the Doctor just go away. But this time, he didn't.
I decided to enter in the TARDIS, to see if something was wrong. Maybe the time machine's batteries were dead or something like this.
I opened the door, and my heart immediately dropped from the terrible view I had.
The Doctor was showing me his back. He was just beside the console; his long figure, wearing his dark red costume, was contrasting with the TARDIS' bright lights.
But what caught my attention was the jolts the Doctor made. He was crying. Silent crying.
I slowly approached him. "Doctor, I'm here."
No reaction. I kept walking towards him.
He was shaking harder and as I was approaching, I could hear soft sobs coming from him.
I arrived before his figure. He was still only showing me his back, and I decided to hug him softly from behind.
At first, I got no reaction, again. But I could feel the Doctor was relaxing more and more in my grasp. Finally, he turned himself in my arms so now he was facing me. But he didn't allow me to get a glimpse of his face that he immediately buried his head in my neck.
His cries were now loud. He wasn't restraining himself anymore. He was crying with all his body: his shoulders and his knees were shaking. His breaths were rapid. My t-shirt becoming wet let me assume that a lot of tears were escaping his brown eyes.
We stood there like this for at least five minutes. I let the Doctor cry himself down. It must have been days that he was containing all of this and he waited for me to go away to let it all go. But the fact that the TARDIS didn't dematerialize and just stayed in my backyards was maybe a cry for help.
After some time, the Doctor calmed himself and went away from my neck. He broke the hug and took a step back to look at me.
His eyes were all red and swollen due to crying. But something in his eyes told me now that he was feeling better. His eyes were less sad than before.
"Thank you." Simply said the Doctor in a raspy voice.
I didn't respond, but only content myself to smile.
He smiled back. Even if it was a small smile, I could really tell that now, he was feeling better.
I was glad I could help the Doctor to get through this, even if it was just a bit.
Still in silence, we kept watching each other, smiling. After a minute, I decided to get out of the TARDIS, again.
But this time, when I was in my backyard waiting for the TARDIS to dematerialize, she instantly did it. The Doctor didn't hesitate like before: he was ready to go on an adventure.

Doctor Who One-shots
FanfictionSome adventures through space and time between the Doctor and his companion. I do not own any characters. © All credits go to BBC Doctor Who.