Stuck with you (11th Doctor)

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“I thought it was a pacific planet, Doctor!” I screamed to him while two aliens pushed us in a dark and narrow corridor.

“Well, I thought it too!”

“Shut up!” yelled the aliens behind us. They had their spear stuck on our backs. We couldn’t escape.

They continued to push us while we were staring at each other with anxious eyes. No one of us knew what will happen.

Eventually, we arrived before a door made of metal. A guard opened it and the aliens behind us pushed us harder so we would enter in the room. They nearly throw us in it and the Doctor and me were bumped against a wall. We hear the sound of the door being closed with ferocity.

But something wasn’t right. My shoulders were both touching the Doctor’s and the wall at my left. My face was too touching the wall before me, and if I backed off, my back would hit the wall behind me.

I tried to move, but I couldn’t because of the Doctor’s large shoulders.

“Doctor, I can’t move. Go to your right!”

“I- I can’t! There’s a wall. There are walls everywhere!”

The room was tinyVery tiny. There was just enough space for the both of us to stand, but we couldn’t move because of the tininess of the room. Plus, there were no lights. We were totally in the dark.

I felt the Doctor moving his arms behind him, before him, at his right. I understood quickly that he tried to find an issue in the walls, so I did the same. Our hands touched each other many times, but none of us would say something.

“We’re stuck.” Admitted the Doctor.

“There’s no escape?”

“It has to be. But I can’t find it.” He said, while scanning the tiny room with his sonic screwdriver, making a little green light.

“There’s nothing to do. We’ll just have to wait.”

“But- it can’t be! We’ll be stuck in here forever! There’s no way these aliens would free us!”

“I- I know, Y/N! I’ll try to think of a plan, okay?” the Doctor said to reassure me.

So, we waited in silence. The Doctor was thinking of something and I was just waiting. There were no signs of the outside. No lights, no sound. Were we here for hours, or minutes? I lost track of time.

At some point, I think the Doctor stopped to think about a plan, since he tried to sit down and started to play with his sonic screwdriver, turning it on and turning it off, and he juggled with it. I sat down too and my head rested on his shoulder. I was slowly falling asleep since it was so dark and I was so bored when the Doctor broke the silence.

“Y/N, if you didn’t know that the psychic paper was psychic paper, what do you think you would see?”

“Um, I don’t know… maybe a poorly made drawing. That suits you.”

“Oi!” he winced, nudging me.

“So, do you have a plan?”


“All right.” I was so bored, tired and nearly desperate that I couldn’t scold him. I put my head against his shoulders again and fell asleep again. But suddenly, the Doctor stood up again in an exaggerated way.

“There’s something missing. I don’t understand. There has to be something!”

“What do you mean?” I said while getting up too. I rubbed my eyes in sleepiness while the Doctor started to touch all the walls again.

He turned himself so he was facing the wall at my left. He put his arms on both sides of my head, still touching the wall to find an issue. But the room quickly became tinier. The wall at my left moved, touching my shoulder even more so the Doctor and I were literally stick on each other.

“Wh-What?” I tried to say. But I suddenly felt panicked. “We’re going to be crushed!”

The Doctor then turned himself to be in his initiate position: his shoulder against mine and we were both facing the same wall. And the room became the same size as earlier, so less tiny.

“Y/N, I think I understand. It was an enigma!” while he said this, he turned himself to the other side, so his back was against my shoulder. The walls moved again, letting us more space.

“That’s brilliant! Y/N, we’re the wheels making the room becoming tiny or big!” his hands started to clap in excitement. “Your turn, Y/N! Try to turn yourself!”

As he said this, I turn myself to face his back. But the walls moved in the wrong way, and we were crushed again. My face was pushed against the Doctor’s back.

“No, in the other way!!”

I did as he said and turned myself twice in the other way. The room became larger and larger as we both turned ourselves. We did this until the walls stopped moving. The room was now big enough for us to move and walk in it, until we found the metal door where we entered first. The Doctor analysed it with his screwdriver, and try to hear if the aliens were behind, keeping an eye on us.

“Okay, Y/N I think there’s only one guard. Here’s the plan…”

I listened carefully while he instructed me what to do. His plan sounded great, but somewhat also eccentric. But I did as he said.

He quietly unlocked the door with his screwdriver and I went to open it fully, as he said. I took my high-pitched voice – the highest I could do, as he instructed – and screamed at the guard behind the door, watching me with their eyes wide open.

“Sir, Sir! Mr. the Guard! There’s- there’s a problem! My friend who was with me got crushed by the walls! I- What should I do without him?!” I tired to sound to more desperate – as the Doctor instructed me, again.

The guard seemed to relax a bit, and put a smirk on his face, surely happy to hear that one of his prisoners just got crushed by the room.

“Well, let’s see what we could do, then.” He got up from his chair and went to enter the room. While I distracted the guard, the Doctor manage to escape and hide in a corner in the corridor.

I followed the guard in the room that the Doctor made tiny again while I was outside, and when the guard entered in it looking for someone crushed and I quickly closed the door behind them. The Doctor soon came out of his hiding place and used his screwdriver to lock the door again, while I tried to keep it closed. The guard was screaming from behind the door and was nearly punching the door.

The Doctor took my hand and we both start running in the long corridor. As we went outside the prison, three aliens saw us escaping and were chasing us. It was both exciting and stressful.

Soon, the TARDIS appeared in our sight. The Doctor and I started to run faster, even though I was exhausted from all the running. We quickly entered in the TARDIS, the Doctor left my hand to rush to the console and make the TARDIS fly away. When she made her engine noises, we both knew we were finally safe.

“Ugh! That was a close one!” I said in my breaths.

“It’s always a close one!” said the Doctor cheerfully. “So, where to next?”

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