Illusions (1/3) (10th Doctor)

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The TARDIS was shaking. The clanging sounds were louder and louder. She was flipping through space and time and I didn’t even know if the Doctor knew what he was doing. I was holding on the console of the TARDIS but it was very difficult due to all the brutal movements she was making. I suddenly let go of my grip on the console and I was projected on a wall.

“Y/N, are you okay?!” the Doctor was screaming from above the console room. He was having quite a difficulty to hold on too.

I was feeling a little stunned because of the impact. “Y-yeah!”, I tried to respond with a fairly loud voice for the Doctor to hear me.

All of a sudden, the TARDIS made an abrupt crash. The Doctor and me fell to the ground.

“I suppose she has landed.”

“Do you even know where we are?!”

“Not even a clue”, said the Doctor, in a casually tone. He didn’t seem worried to say the least.

The Doctor was walking towards the doors of the TARDIS. “C’mon!” he said, while lending me a hand. I took it, I stood up, and I followed him.

I had a couple of adventures with the Doctor in space and time. We visited a couple of planets together. We’ve seen landscapes that we could never forget. But, this one, was something that I’ve never seen. Even during our travels, such a landscape couldn’t cross our mind.

“Where did we landed?” I asked, without taking my eyes off what I was seeing.

“Morphea”. His eyes were sparkling. He was too looking at the landscape, but I knew very well my Doctor, and I could see the worry in his eyes. “The planet of illusions.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything you’ll see on this planet doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion. That’s why the planet is called Morphea. The planet of dreams, if you’d like”, he said this while looking at me. His smile disappeared, and it sounded like a warning.

“So… what do we do?” I wasn’t sure if the Doctor would still visit this planet with me.

“What kind of question! Tourism, of course!” and his smile came back. He took my hand and he dragged me with him.

From the TARDIS, what we see was just snow. Everywhere. It doesn’t seem like there were any habitations, or houses, or habitants. There was only a large field covered in snow. It was so calm, not a single sound could be heard. Not an animal, or an insect, or any living creature. As we run through the field, our steps made marks in the snow. We could see where we left the TARDIS. 

“What should we do on this planet?! It’s all but snow!” my breath was running out. I was laughing. The Doctor was amused like a little kid, and he kept running.

“Just wait! It’ll appear!” he screamed in excitement.

Then, he stopped. He kept my hand in his. He was looking at me with his brilliant smile.

“Wait. If it’s the planet of illusions, and if you said that ‘it’ll appear’…”

“Yes! Exactly! You’re brilliant, Y/N! Aren’t you excited?!”

“Y-yes, I am! But I was wondering…”, I paused, with my dead serious expression. “Will we see the same illusions?”

“Yes, maybe. No. Yes, I don’t know. I’ve never went on this planet before. Only know it by its name and reputation.”

“What kind of reputation has this planet?”

And then, it appeared. The illusion.

The Doctor and I were standing there, hand in hand, while everything appeared before our eyes, and it was so beautiful. People from all species were appearing, colours too. It wasn’t blue and white anymore. There was red, orange, green, pink! Stands appeared too, and more and more people kept coming from nowhere. Sound were adding too. Hubbub could be hear from everywhere.

After a few minutes watching the scenery, I guessed we were in a souk. I looked at the Doctor. I was amazed.

“That’s so, that’s…”

“I know.” He said, a kind smile on his face.

He grabbed my hand again, and again he was running off, dragging me behind him. Soon enough, because of the number of people there were, we started to bump them. We kept screaming “sorry” during our runoff. But before me stood a big alien, and very tall. The Doctor succeeded to dodge them, but I was too afraid of knocking them. I let go of the Doctor’s hand and stopped running because I was too afraid of hurting myself.

When I went beyond the big alien, the Doctor wasn’t here anymore. There was only a crown of aliens from different species. I was lost in this crowd. I started to feel anxious. What if something happens to me? What should I do? Searching for the Doctor? But how the hell am I supposed to know where this unpredictable Time Lord is?!

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