Family reunion (11th Doctor)

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Request for 2477lol

"Something fluffy with 11 being married with kids"

Thanks for the request! I hope you'll like it!


I woke up as the sunlight coming through my curtains landed on my face. The bright light of the sun just told me that I overslept today. I yawn and sleepily sit down on my bed. I could hear some screams coming from the outside. I smiled to myself knowing to whom these screams were.

Finally standing up, I drew the curtains, only to be blinded by the sun up high in the sky. I looked at the clock: it was nearly 12 AM!

From the window, I could see my husband playing cat-and-mouse with our two kids. I could only smile to myself seeing the joy they were having right now.

Suddenly, my husband stopped running to look at the window from where I was watching them. He looked at me for a few seconds before giving me his best smile. He turned to our son telling him something before running towards the backdoor. I kept watching over the children who kept running and laughing.

After a few minutes, I someone knocked on the bedroom's door.

"Come in!" I said joyfully knowing very well who it was.

My husband entered the room with a tray in his hands. On the tray was a glass full of orange juice, a cup of hot coffee and a little plate full of pancakes.

"Oh, Doctor! That's so lovely! You didn't have to!" I said with my hands on my mouth.

"Oh, please. Anything for you darling." He said smirking at me.

We both sat on the messy bed, my head resting on his shoulder as I was eating peacefully the delicious pancakes he made. We could hear the kids screaming and laughing from the outside.

When I finished the breakfast the Doctor made me, I lift up my head to look at his green eyes. They were shining, and the Doctor was looking at mines too. At this moment, I could tell he truly loved me.

His face dangerously approached mine. His eyes were focusing on my lips and so were mines. Our lips soon crushed together in a sloppy kiss. His left hand was cupping my face and I put mine behind his head.

We kept kissing and somehow I ended being on top of him by the moment. But we suddenly had to break the kiss when two little monsters burst in our bedroom with water guns.

The children were now laughing so hard, with the Doctor and me soaked in water in our bed. I quickly got off the Doctor and sat down besides him, and we both started to laugh with the children.

After a few minutes of laughing, we managed to put the children in their room so they could play together. The Doctor and I were still soaked and I was still in my pyjamas. He smiled at me but I could see he was repressing his laugh. I nudged him playfully but he dodged it.

And now a war between the two of us started. We started to purchase each other through the whole house, with us running down the stairs, running across our living room and running in circle around the kitchen table. Finally, the Doctor broke the circle by running towards the door's cellar and going down the stairs. I followed him, still chasing him, but went I got down the stairs the Doctor stopped running and I hit my head against his back.

He was standing before something emitting a weak light. I put my hands on the Doctor's shoulders and stoop up on my tiptoes to see what was before him.

When I saw it, I instantly knew why the Doctor stopped running. It was the TARDIS.

When we fell in love, the the Doctor and I decided to stop travelling so we could have a "normal" life together, so we put the TARDIS in our cellar. We thought we would travel again someday when we would eventually get bored. But then, the Doctor asked me to marry him. After that, we had our first son and the Doctor wanted to stay on Earth to watch over his baby. A few years later we had our daughter. And since then we didn't mention the word "travel" again, nor thought about it. At some point, I even forgot about it.

What mattered now was our family; our house, our marriage, our children. Time travelling was never an idea.

Finally, the Doctor turned himself to face me. I could see through the dim light that he was grinning.

"Darling. Since when haven't we both travelled together?"

"It's been twelve years I think."

He didn't say more. His smile and his eyes said everything.

"Doctor... we- we can't leave the kids alone. I- I know we would come back the same time that we left but... I don't feel reassured leaving them alone."

"Who said to leave the kids alone?"


"Well, I mean, they're half Time Lords... Time travel is in their blood. What about we teach them about it now?"

Without a word, I smiled back to the Doctor. He quickly kissed me and got upstairs. I heard him screaming our kids' names and tell them to come downstairs.

For the first time, the Doctor and I will travel after more than ten years. But most importantly, we'll bring our kids to our trips.

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