Chapter 11 | Pizza

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Chapter Ten

Lilac’s P.O.V

I’ve accepted my fate, yap that’s the best way to put it.

It’s been a month and I’ve barely spoken to the outside world. I’ve never left the house and spend my days watching Netflix and partaking in my favorite hobby: eating. Braylon’s never home though. That’s right after calling my parents who seemed not to mind that I was kidnapped I figured I best get used to it.

Finding my mate’s not how I thought it would turn out to be at all. Nessa and Kaia are probably jumping for joy but what about Trey does he miss me. Is he sorry or did I lose him forever and just refuse to admit because I’m hoping one day he’d just show up and everything will be okay again.

I was half asleep on the couch as the TV blared in the background but I paid no attention to it and tried will my sleepy self to drift back to dreamland. When I heard the front door open and close I paid it no mind and kept trying to take my nap.

The only people who’d come here was Braylon and his Beta Kayson who was always stoic and didn’t really talk much.

Suddenly the noise from the TV muted and I was in someone’s arms. From the tingles and the way my body just molded into his, I knew it was Braylon. I sighed now accepting that I wouldn’t go back to sleep any time soon, I opened my eyes to see Braylon then closed them and snugged into him further.

“You’re back early”, I mumbled into his chest only to be placed in a sitting position on the bed. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Braylon walked back from the closet and gave me a white sundress with little watermelon and cherry designs.

“I thought the pack won’t fall if I spent some time off with my mate so change we’re going for a picnic”, Braylon said. I exchanged my sweatpants and a hoodie for the dress and looked throw Braylon’s side of the closet for a jean jacket.

I had many of my own here but his just felt better. When I walked out Braylon was on the bed scrolling through his phone. I missed my social life and social media. I might as well be living in a cave. “Ready?” he asked looking away from the phone to me.

I felt hot under his gaze and willed myself not to squirm away. His eyes darkened once they traveled a little lower. The dress fit me perfectly but it was a bit short though seeing as he picked it out I didn’t doubt it.

“Yap”, I replied shifting my weight between my feet as I rocked back and forth not knowing what to do. Braylon got off the bed and walked closer to me, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear causing to look into those beautiful glistening green eyes.

“I love my clothes on you”, he said as he tugged and the jacket. “You are beautiful”, his voice thick and hoarse yet melodious to my ears. I couldn’t help but smile and thank him for the compliment as he enter laced our fingers and led me out of the house, holding the picnic basket as I carried a couple blankets.

I didn’t bother to ask where we were going because I didn’t know anywhere on his pack territory, I’ve been here a month! I kept my thoughts to myself so that I’d just enjoy the feeling of my hands in his, none of us talking but simply contented with each other’s company.

We came to a tiger lily meadow and I jumped for joy. “You like?” Braylon asked. I turned to face him. “I love”, I said as our eyes locked. I quickly darted my eyes back to the flowers. “Tiger lilies are my favourite. I’d never seen so many before”, I said still gawking at the flowers.

“Most people always assume that my favourite flowers are Lilacs” “I would have guess yellow roses” “Those too” “Tiger lilies were my mother’s favourite flowers she grew a few right before she died and I just continued it till one day I woke up with a whole meadow. She’d always talk about how strong beautiful and stubborn they were to grow places they technically shouldn’t”, Braylon said chuckling at his memories. I didn’t interrupt.

In the month I’ve been here, I’ve caught up on a few things Braylon. He doesn’t like to share at all yet his not selfish. He’s a bigger foodie than me. He almost always has his walls up. He never talks about his father and when he remembers his mother even though it’s a happy memory there’s a sadness that seeks closure yet he holds onto it.

We walked further into the meadow to find a clearing in the middle and set up our picnic surrounded by flowers and talked about silly things.

“What did the slice of pizza say to the apricot”, Braylon said picking up a grape and eating it. Grapes and I have never mended our friendship since they betrayed me but the way his mouth moved left me in a trance like state.

“Lilac”, Braylon called with an amused and smug smile when he noticed where my undivided attention was. “Hmm, uhm, I don’t know what”, I asked.

“How should I know food doesn’t talk?” Braylon said. “I thought there was a joke in their” “Nope I’m not a funny man”, he said and that caused me to laugh. “I know. You don’t have to tell me twice”, I said, big mistake. As soon as the words left my mouth, Braylon’s frown quirked into a smirk as he tackled me. I fell into an uncontrollable giggling fit, begging for release as he tickled me.

When he felt like I’d had enough I was turned my back pressed to his chest as my breathing calmed and he held me. “I made you laugh, didn’t I?” Braylon asked. “Tickling doesn’t count”, I said back.

“It does so”

We stayed like that just eating, talking and holding each other as the clouds grew darker. “Braylon”, I said, lifting myself so that I was facing him. He gave me his attention knowing this was going to be a more serious topic. “If I’m going to be here for the rest of eternity I want to meet the pack. I want to get to know you”, I said.

“I want to finish the mating proses”, Braylon said. “No!” I snapped. “Then I guess we both don’t get what we want”, he said. When has it been what I want?

“Is this how it’s always going to be with you Braylon? Let me remind you we’re equals so if you want me to play submissive little mate you’ve got another thing coming if you want to can reject me and go find another perfect mate to do that seeing as you already branded me as a whores”, I snapped abruptly getting up that I tumbled, my legs being numb from siting on the ground for hours.

Soon enough I was in Braylon’s arms as he helped me stand steadily. “I didn’t mean that. You know I didn’t”, Braylon whispered but I shook my head in disagreement.

“Do I really?” I asked my voice shaky as I tried to fight back tears. “I don’t know you Braylon and you have no idea who I am so what am I even doing here. I just feel so trapped all the time”

“Fine okay. Just don’t cry, I can’t handle that. I’ll introduce to the pack however you want me to and you can go back to school but you’ll still be staying with me. I’m just scared that one day you won’t come back to me”

“Believe me I will, other than being mates your kitchen is my favourite place in the world”, I said. This will work out, how could it not. Then it hit me. School, Trey, Charlie.

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