Chapter 01 | Pancakes

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Chapter One

Lilac's P.O.V

"Pancakes, pancakes we appreciate pancakes..." I sang at the breakfast table while I heaped my plate with sweet, sweet curbs.

"Would you for once in your lifetime, Lilac, eat like a lady", mum said for the hundredth time and now I'm offended. Its pancakes! How much more lady-like should I be. Hold a knife and fork and cut it into tinny tiny little pieces.


What, her majesty Mrs. I'm so proper, Luna Emily my dearest mother hasn't realized in the past seventeen years of my life is that when my mouth says gimme! Gimme! Give me it now, nothing can stop it from throwing the whole stack of pancakes in my mouth in under two minutes.

My father Alpha George growled at my behavior and like the pillar for good daughters everywhere -note the sarcasm- rolled my eyes and went back to raining ultimate destruction onto my breakfast.

"Oh come on dad, I'm your daughter you should have figured the whole intimidating alpha act doesn't work on me by now", I said and he just grunted. My father and mother, the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Storm pack are very formal-natured people, ignoring the fact that all daddy does most of the time is growl and grunt like a caveman.

They are like the poster child for all things white, rich, and suburban.

Mum is a force to be reckoned with and I try not to hit a nerve. I learned that the easy way while my brother August did not. He was seventeen, I was fifteen and he'd refused to clean his room for a year straight, I think he was on some kind of strike or something.

Sometimes when I replay that memory, a huge grin just gets plastered on my face and I can't help it. Mum yelling, "August! You better go upstairs and clean your room". August giving a slurry sly "no" as a reply before he was down.

The woman tackled her son to the ground!

All you need to know is that after that August became the cleanest person I know and given his past that's saying something.

"I feel pity for your future mate whoever the 'lucky' fellow will be", mum said snapping me back to reality. "Don't even worry about it Emily, we've raised our daughter well enough to behave around others, I just wish the same could be said when she's around us, besides I bet you she'll leave this all behind when she meets her mate, she'll love him more than she does food", my dad said and I nearly choked on a blueberry.

Poor mate whoever you are, wherever you are. If you ever try to come between me and my food, you have another thing coming. I usually don't fight but when it comes to this type of stuff like my mother I am a force to be reckoned with.

Other than that, the thought of a mate scared me. Most of my friends found their meets when we shifted at fifteen and they never leave each other's side. Most people might think being obsessed with someone knowing that you'll spend the rest of your life with them is romantic. I feel it's some horror movie-type shit. I don't obsess over anything not even myself. My true love will now, forever, and always be food and I'm okay with that.

The insistent buzzing of my phone reminded me that Trey was waiting for me outside. I looked down at my Patrick star pajama set and remembered I'd asked him for a ride to school because I didn't feel like driving. I picked up and told him I'd be out in a few. A few being thirty minutes or more.

Regular school in a werewolf's life was unnecessary seeing as most of us females would end up as pack mums and the males as warriors defending the pack. Every member of the pack took great joy in following their paths, most would drop out as soon as their first shit.

One annoying rule dad had was about school, good grades, good attendance, and everything. The only hope I had was to find my mate in a pack far, far, very far away from where he can't keep an eye on me. If he had his way I'd study till I had a Ph.D. or something but have I mentioned how much I hate school.

No, well I hate school.

I hit the shower for a quick one then picked out a random outfit which happened to be a yellow sundress and my signature faded blue jean jacket, slid on a pair of white sneakers, grabbed my bookbag, and raced downstairs not forgetting to grab my lunch and a bag of Doritos for the road.

The house was quite signaling mum and dad had already gone to the packhouse for work. As I dashed out I noticed a picture of August on the mantel and came to a quick stop, he'd been in a training camp for the last year and a half, having alpha blood or not those camps were brutal and sometimes they don't come back home, alive at least.

My brother was my closest friend so every day I hoped and prayed he'd be okay.

"Beep, beep!" The sound of car honks and engines roaring snapped me back and I dashed out once more jumping into Trey's already started-up car.

"Why do you have to be late all the time", Trey said as he drove off and I struggled with my seatbelt. Trey wasn't the best driver. "You know it's in my genes", I defend. Everyone knows that the Silvers are always running late even at meetings we set the time for. Everyone also shows up thirty minutes later once they learned and we couldn't blame them.

"I know, when you say I'll be there at 10 am I'll expect you at 2, it's just how you work, it's wrong but it's you", he said.

Trey is my best friend, we almost share a birthday, I was born one day after so twice the cake yay me. He is the next-in-line beta of the pack though he and August don't exactly see eye to eye they'll get over it.

Trey and I grew up together so he knows me well, all my habits tell and favorite things. We dated once when we were ten. It didn't work out, he always wanted to share my food and I'd had it after two weeks of "dating".

"We're here", Trey said pulling his car and parking it in his usual place next to the big sign that said: East High School. East of what, I don't know. I looked at it in dread before I got out of the car and followed Trey into school. And even though I had my trusty bag of chips with me, I knew this is where another nightmare begins.

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