Chapter 13 | Milk

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Chapter Thirteen

Lilac’s P.O.V

Riley stood like the proud Luna she was by August’s side. Today was their coronation and I couldn’t stop smiling. I was happy for my brother and my best friend they’d make each other so happy.

After facing my wrath, August presented gifts… food and that doofus was right I couldn’t be mad at him forever especially since he was right. Eventually Braylon did step up and be a good mate. We kiss a lot more now, I’m not complaining at all.

“Alpha August, Luna Riley”, I exaggerated with a bow. “Shut up”, Riley said as she hugged me. August and Braylon did the weird bro hug thing.  “How does it feel”, I asked. “Nerve wrecking but I had Auggie with me every step of the way”, Riley says and I mentality puke stifling the urge to do it literally too.

“Well I’m leaving, bye”, I say walking away. “Where are you going”, I heard her say from behind me as I stormed off. “I’ve changed my mind. You and my brother are gross. I’ve gone to find a new best friend”, I said walking over to be all the food was. Hello old friend.

“We both know I was runner up before food was in the picture”, Riley said through our mind link. I could see she was being surrounded by a bunch of pack females greeting their new Luna like a swarm of bees savoring the sweetness from an open soda can.

“Hey”, Trey awkwardly said as he appeared out of nowhere. Things between us were still not there yet. “Hi… Uhm congratulations on becoming Beta”, I offer but in the back of my mind, I can’t help but notice that Old Lilac would have jumped for joy and hugged the daylights out of her best friend when saying those words.

It’s nearly unbelievable how we went from knowing each other our whole lives to awkward strangers just getting to know each other and that led me to wonder, who am I right now really?

“So that’s the mate”, Trey said his eyes wondering over to where Braylon and August where talking to a couple pack males. He’s eyes met mine a small smile tugging at his lips and I returned it seeing how he tried with all his might not to glare or throw a dirty look at Trey before going back into the conversation.

“Yah”, I simply answered. “He treating you well?” Trey asks. “He’s treating me perfect”, I said. “Are you sure you weren’t brainwashed, this is the same Lilac who cursed all things mates”, Trey said. “Well that was before I actually found someone who truly wants to make me happy and I realized I needed to grow up and stop being a brat”, I reply.

“I’ve got to go, it was nice talking to you”, Trey said before strutting away possibly to find his psycho mate and her even more straight out of escaping from a nuthouse sister.

Sighing I walked away from where all the main activities where taking place and walked through my childhood home, my old bedroom thinking how different things were five months ago.

“Papa”, I greeted as I opened the doors of the study to reveal my father. Running into his warm accepting embrace I felt like a little girl again. “How’s been life with the mate flower”, he asked.  “It’s been okay”, I answer.

“I was skeptical of all this him being the Alpha of Black Hurricane but he seems like a nice enough young man”, my dad says approvingly which seriously shocks me but I shrug it off deciding not to dwell on it. “So what are you and Mum going to be doing now that you’re duty free”, I ask plopping down into one of the sofas.

“We leave for Uganda tomorrow”, he said. “Tomorrow….. Wait Uganda?” I asked bewildered and he just laughs. “Yah you’re mum and I decided to travel the world and let the newly burdened be. We literally just spun the globe and stopped on a country and then Boom! As tiny as it was there Uganda was”, he chortled.

“Love”, mum called as she strutted into the study. “Lilac, honey I haven’t seen you in forever”, she said pulling me into an embrace was she noticed my presence. “It’s only been a couple of months mum”, I tell her as my face nestles in her hair before we pull apart.

“Well can you blame me for missing you and worrying when you were basically living with the enemy”, my mum said stripping the overprotective pants away from my father and tying them around her waist with rope.

“He’s not the enemy any more, Emily love he’s basically our son in law now”, my dad chimes in. “Well in that case…”, mum starts but I cut her off seeing this conversation coming from a mile away. “No don’t say it”, I protest.

“When am I…” she started. “Now look at what you’ve done George”, I say glaring at my father. “Getting grandchildren”, she finishes and I groan. “I’m not even marked yet mum”, I say.

“Well hop to it I’m not getting any younger”, mum said. “You can say that again”, dad chortled as mum glared at him before playful slapping at his chest but he cut her short by pulling her into him and kissing her. I tasted bile.

“Eww gross save it for Africa, I’ve gone to find more sensible adults to talk too who show a hell less PDA that you too”, I shouted back to my parents who probably didn’t hear me through their make out session as I left the study to find my mate.

There he was, standing a little too close to comfort to an obviously flirting Kaia fucking Richmond. The bitch who wanted to claw my face of well the feeling got mutual when she put her skimpy little hand on my mate’s bicep and I saw a dangerous shade of red.

“Kaia”, I said through greeted teeth as I all but wrenched her hand from my mate. Before shit escalated and with Kaia being in the situation it obviously would, Braylon dragged me to my old bedroom.

“What was that shit?” we both growled at each other. “It wasn’t like that, we’re just friends”, Braylon said and my anger smeared as I thought: hey aren’t those supposed to be what I say.

“Well how would you feel if you saw me getting up close and personal to a touchy male especially when that male happened to be Kaia Richmond… wait what?”, I said frustrated with both Braylon and my brain’s tendency to give into stupidity.

“It’s nothing we just shared a milkshake once”, Braylon said and the words that were meant to make me feel better only stung at my heart the more. “You… you willingly shared a milkshake… with…. with her”, I muttered in this belief. He wouldn’t even do that for me but he did it for her.

“Of come on lilac it’s nothing”, Braylon argued. “You called me Lilac”, I pointed out. I could tell he was fighting the urge to reply with a snarky so it’s your name and stuck to looking bewildered. “You always call me pork buns or pancakes even though I hate because at times it feels like you only say that because you think I’m flat”, I sniffled.  “You like her don’t you”, I asked.

“It’s not like that all honey, I can only bet you share food with Trey all the time”, Braylon said. “Never, I’ve never shared food with Trey or anyone else”, I yell.

“But it’s different”, Braylon yells and suddenly we descend into a screaming much. “How when I can smell her all over you Braylon”, I yell. “It’s different because I don’t love her, I love you”, Braylon said and I look at him shocked.

Did I just hear that? Did he just say that? What? He loves me?

“I love you Lilac Silvers”, he repeats and pulls me into him my arms automatically wrapping around him on their own accord. My ears didn’t deceive me, my Braylon loves me. “Mate loves us”, Honey screamed dancing around the back of my mind.

“Lilac”, Braylon called and I hummed in response for him to continue.

“My wolf’s name’s not mike, gosh whose wolf’s even named mike”, he started straying away from the topic. “Braylon”, I said getting his attention back.

“It’s milk and he’d like you finally meet you and honey”

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