I Will Return

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The following day was the same as yesterday, the rain pouring roughly and the small amount of customers entering the shop. It was hard to brush off the strange feeling that kept eating at your arm but more specifically your hand that Toga had sliced. Luckily you wore gloves so you weren't bothered with questions of ''How did that happen?'' or ''Oh my gosh are you okay?''. Sometimes people's concerns could be annoying. 

Since the flower shop was receiving less customers than the greenhouse, you placed the sign on the counter top informing anyone that you would be in the greenhouse and to simply holler for you. A group of trouble making kids had entered the greenhouse and left in under 10 minutes which could only lead you to believe they had done something they shouldn't have. Entering the greenhouse, you made your way up and down every single aisle to see if any books could be missing. So far only 5 books were missing but all were found in the center of the greenhouse, open and abandoned. You collected the books into your arm and proceeded to place them back to their rightful places. 

A book about death. Another about poems. Two about the first few heroes of Japan and the last book about the history of All Might. While slipping the All Might book into its slot the bell of the front door rang. 

Looking around the greenhouse you realized that the couches were missing its pillows and the original pillows for the floor were missing from its usual place; on the carpet. Taking a deep breath you then walked around to pick up the couches pillows and assign them properly on the couches. 

The door to the greenhouse opened and you announced your presence. No response. You stood up and looked towards the shelves that hid the greenhouse door. There were no footsteps and no one asked for your assistance. A shiver shook your body and your wings. Your wings fluttered and you quietly hovered into an aisle, trying to hear any footsteps while also trying to stay in the low. After the other day, you were on your toes more and almost every sound set you into the Fight or Flight mode. Peering over the shelves you saw no one in front of the greenhouse door but there was a figure standing next to the shops door. It was Twice. You recognized his mask that matched his outfit he was wearing-- definitely his villain outfit. He didn't look as though he wanted trouble instead he stood there with his arms crossed, standing guard of the door. You backed into the aisle to hide the rest of your body with your wings tucked behind you. The greenhouse had two exits, the main door that leads to the flower shop and a roof shaft that was only reachable by climbing a bookshelf or getting the ladder that was in the back of the greenhouse. There was only one obvious answer.

A squeak from a sneaker cut the silence of the greenhouse. Your eyes fell to the floor and your body shook as you slowly turned your head over your shoulder to look towards the body. Your eyes fell upon a pair of red sneakers. Looking up, the figure was tall wearing all black jeans and sweater, his face covered by his hair that was matted together with this hood over his head. His hair was a light blue, an almost faded color that could easily be identified as white. He was smiling just smiling as you stood there with fear coursing through your body. The original Fight and Flight mode that your brain activated when seeing Twice was now forgotten when this figure stood in front of you. He was standing at the other end of the aisle with his hands in the pocket of his sweater. The poorly lit aisle did not make the situation better. 

He took a step forward and your wings twitched. As much as you wanted you fly out to the roof hatch it was almost as if your feet were super glued to the floor. 

"Now, now," His hands slipped out of his pockets and extended out to his sides, lightly brushing his finger tips on the shelves. His hands were covered with an artist glove. His voice was average, not to high and not low but raspy as if he had the common cold. "I only want to talk."

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