Chapter 16

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Once it's decimated, then you drop a chapter out of nowhere and all the fans embrace it. - MG's Imperfect NF quote.

Hey guys, finally back and I can't wait to let you read this chapter.

Also, chapters usually take me about 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours to type. I just haven't posted more because I've been in a constant game of tug-a-war with life. Yay *jazz hands*. Oh, if you have any more questions, I'll try to answer them in the next Chapter.

   I sat back down in my booth back at the Taco Bell. I knew I should just have left and gone to McDonalds. I looked up and out the window, trying to see if I could relocate the Blur. I slouched back into the booth, I couldn't find it. How had Zeus created a living lightning bolt? Sure my dad made skeletons but hey, at least it is godly possible!

   The door opened, and a man with bright red hair walked in. He wore casual clothing clothing, and had curious eyes. He looked around the room. When all he saw was me, he shot me finger guns.

   I blushed and cringed.

   "Hello, welcome to Taco Bell, what can I get you?" The cashier asked him.

   He rubbed his chin. "I'll take twenty bean and cheese burritos, twelve one dollar nachos, ten of the blue freezies, and decent life insurance." My mouth dropped, the pour lady at the counters jaw dropped. How was he going to eat all that. "It's for a birthday party." That explains it.

   "That's going to be $82.70 and would you like a receipt?" She asked, slightly shaking.

   "Nah, that's ok." The cashier let out a breath of relief. "What about the life insurance?"

   "Unfortunately, I can't sell you that."

   "Darn, thanks anyway." He left her to walk over to me. "Can I sit with you?" He asked. I pondered this.

   "Ok." I slid over and he slid in. He basically melted into the hard plastic of the booths.

   "Hi, I'm Wallace, but everyone calls me Wally." He held out a hand to shake. I shook it awkwardly. "Have you never shaken anyone's hand before?" I pulled my hands away.

   "I have thank you very much." Wally laughed, still melted into the booth. 

   "What's your name cutie?" He asked me, quiet enough so the cashier couldn't hear. I blushed red, like, red red, and looked out the window. I was not in the mood for flirting, especially when he looks just like Will, only with a red head instead of a sun blonde.

   "I'm Nico, Nico di Angelo."

   "Nico, that's a beautiful name. It's Italian right?" I nodded, he smiled. My face grew pink again, or maybe it never not was pink. The moment was ruined when the cashier told Wally that his food was done. He got up and walked over to the counter. Somehow in someway he carried it all out.

   "Hey Nico, see you around some time ok?" Wally said as I opened the door for him.

   "Sure, if I don't run into you first." He smiled and walked away. 

I know it was short but I had to get something out for you guys. You deserve it, you did good today. Ok, see you next chapter.

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