Chapter 2

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   It was still midnight, and I decided to go up to my room. I hummed to myself happy birthday as I walked up to my stairs. When I had gotten to my room, I took a pair of clean pajamas out of my drawer and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, dried off, got dressed. I put on my green pajama bottoms and a red long-sleeved shirt. I brushed my teeth and finally made my way to my bedroom at the comforts of my bed. I looked at the phone number that I was given and, taking my home phone from the stand, I dialed the number. There was ringing until a voice answered.

"Calling so soon? What's up kid?"

"I was just wondering since I'm new in the neighborhood if you'd like to show me around."

"That is a great idea! I'd be happy to, I meet up with you in the morning at your place, 'kay?"

"Sure, sounds good."

I hung the phone up and slid under my cover and sheets. Getting cozy, I told Alexa to turn off the lights. For a good two hours, I stayed wide away listening to the silence, the crickets outside, and the occasional owl hooting in the distance. I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep, cuddling with the warmth of my blankets.

It was about eight in the morning when I heard a knock on my door. I got up with a groan and quickly got dressed in a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I jogged down the stairs and opened the door. Joker was waiting for me, a folded map in his hands.

"You ready kid?"

"Yep, let's go."

I walked out my door and locked it behind me. I could see a dark figure watching me out of the corner of my eyes but when I looked in that direction, the dark figure had disappeared. I shrugged it off and followed Joker as he took me around town. I didn't use my powers, I just let him take the lead.

I had a fun time.

We went to the grocery store, the bank, Gotham Museum, Gotham Academy, Target, and a couple of restaurants. Joker had a trench coat on, which he said was to hid his identity from ninjas, and he had brushed his wild hair, which still looked pretty wild. Our tour soon came to an end and Joker walked me back to my place.

"So, how was Tour de Joker?" Joker said as we reached my door. I looked at him and shrugged.

"It was really fun. I had a good time." I looked down at my watch, 10:49 am. "Hey J, I have to go to work a little bit, but we can meet up for dinner or something if you want, as a way for me to thank you."

"That would be lovely Neeks, I'll text you 'kay?"

"Sure, see you around Joker. And don't call me Neeks."

Joker just waved me off as I entered my apartment, and I closed the door behind me. Joker seemed like a nice enough guy, even if he was a little bit mental. I walked over to my kitchen and then to my fridge. I pulled out some strawberries, washed them under warm water, then cut off the stems. I sliced the strawberries and when I was finished, I made some oatmeal. If only I had grapefruit... Oh well. There was a creak and I quickly turned around, the knife in my hand.

"Who's there?" I made a full 360 but I didn't find anyone. Maybe it was me... I breathed out and turned back to the cut strawberries and my oatmeal.

There was another creak. I faked as if I didn't hear it, and continued to add my cut strawberry slices to my oatmeal, a sweet aroma filling the room. I picked up my bowl and walked up to my room, the knife and a spoon, in hand. I pulled out my uniform from camp, that blindingly bright orange t-shirt, and put it on over my long-sleeved shirt. I quickly ate my oatmeal, avoiding some close encounters with the knife I was holding and rushed back downstairs. I put my bowl in the sink, rinsing and cleaning it out, then putting it in the drainboard.

I am not a slob.

I put on my thick and warm jacket, not my aviator jacket- that old thing is way too small, and walked out of my apartment, closing the door behind me and locking it. When I looked out into my neighborhood, I could almost swear that I could see a dark figure watching me from the roof of the neighbors across from me. Or I could be seeing things and be deemed crazy, it could go both ways.

Whatever the case, I walked over to my shiny black car, a gift from my sixteenth birthday from Percy, and got in. I rested my head against the back of the headrest. I was tired, but I promised Chiron that I would go. I don't like to break my promises. I turned on the ignition and started up my car. This was going to be a long birthday.

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