Chapter 18

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You guys got me missing you.

This is your reward y'all. Your welcome Earth, I'm looking at you Antarctica.

   Was I being stupid for following Wally where ever he was going? Maybe. Was I glad I followed him in the end? Oh yeah. I found Wally at the Wayne's Mansion, while I was hiding in the shadows. At this point, I was beyond suspicious. I melted into the shadows, moving closer as to get a better look.

   Guess what.

   The Wayne Mansion is DARK. 

    I could feel all of the shadows around me grow stronger and I took a deep breath. I felt unstoppable. I watched Bruce interrogate Wally, I saw Jason spill... the jam... whatever that was. I watched everything. Was I angry. Livid.

   I took some of the shadows and slowly wrapped them around Wally's ankle. With the coil wrapped around seven maybe eight times I pulled, hard. Wally went flying into the wall, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. 

   Ah, I love the sight of revenge in the afternoon.

   "Wally!" Dicky said and he calmly walked over to Wally. "You ok?"

   "I think I'm broken." Wally groaned, holding his head. Served him right.

   I continued to melt into the shadows, getting closer to Dicky and Wally. When I was about three feet away from Dicky, I wrapped coils around his legs and pulled him away. He yelped and flew across the room. I could feel myself smile widely, my excitement bubbling over. By that point, everyone was in a defensive position. Damian and Jason were down stairs waiting for something to happen. Timmy, I don't know where Timmy is.

   So I became Casper and I went from shadow to shadow until I found him. He was fast asleep with his coffee mug, barely still on his bed. I picked it up and set it on his table. I also tucked him in but that's a different story.

   I re-shadowed over to my good friend Dicky. Since I was basically invisible, I took it upon myself to torment the damned, I mean, the Wayne's and Allen's. In mortal terms, I was about to blow the lid of this Capsicle stand.

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