Chapter 11

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That last chapter was weird, was it not? The funeral will be coming up, so make sure to pick out your dresses and suits. A rose would be nice too.

Dicky's POV

   The Joker and I may have gotten a bit out of control. Currently we were in the Batcave with Nico. We had to strap him to a table after Joker had tranked, his arms and legs were fighting the sedatives. He was crying and screaming, but his eyes were closed like he was in a deep sleep. The rest of the family had come down because of the commotion, and only Jason seemed shocked with Jokers presence.

   Bruce was the first to check Nico's vitals, which was harder than it looked. Nico was going crazy, but besides the screaming, his face was calm and relaxed. Nico's body seemed to become gas-like, and every time Bruce tried to check on his vitals, his hand would go right through Nico's body. Joker liked to pull away at the mist but it would become sharp and jagged, like little daggers ready to strike.

   Then Nico's body became very still, and the screams became nothing but whispers. We all got a little bit closer towards Nico, trying to hear whatever he was whispering. Nico's eyes opened, but they looked glassed over. His eyes just stared at the ceiling, his mouth still whispering something. I put my hand on his arm and his eyes shut. His mouth went back to screaming, and his body went back to it's gas-like state. 

   I looked over at Timmy, who was trying to get an analysis on what was happening. He seemed to be deep in thought, not even bothered by the screaming. Only Jason was bothered. He had to leave the room because of it, but I'm guess because of other issues as well. 

   Jason suddenly entered the room, a needle in his hand. He walked right up to Nico and injected his gas-like body with something. We all kind of panicked for a second, all completely dumbfounded. Nico woke up with a jolt, taking in deep breaths while coughing. After a minute of getting himself back together, he finally seemed to notice us. He also noticed that he was handcuffed to a table, both his hands and his feet.

   "Wha... What happened...?" Nico said, coughing, his voice shaky. He body became solid, but he was still shaking.

   "Well Robin01 over here trashed your place, and almost killed you. I brought you here to save your life." Joker said, taking off Nico's handcuffs. He picked Nico off the table and held him in the prince-carries-the-princess kind of way. Nico didn't seem to mind.

   "YOUR the one who brought a bomb in small living quarters." I said, coming to my own defense. 

   "Oh Dicky, poor poor Dicky. You know, only people who shout have something to hide."

   "Leave my brother alone you piece of flying horse crap!" Jason snarled, pulling a gun on the Joker. Joker gave a Cheshire Cat smile and raised an eyebrow.

   "You'd shoot an innocent? I don't think so." Joker never stopped smiling. Nico was just watching us bicker. He had stopped shaking, and had become alarmingly scared.

   "Nico, do you trust the Joker?" Bruce said, beating me to it. Nico looked in his direct, but not at him.

   "Do I have a reason not to?" It was a fair question.

   "Because that bitch has done unspeakable evils." Jason said, anger evident in his voice.

   Nico looked in Jason's direction, his face blank. "Look, I gave up holding grudges against others. I don't care how bad some ones past is, if they are different in the present, that's all I really care about."

   "Then your in for a world of pain." Jason said, continuing to point his gun at Joker.

   Nico smiled, more of a smirk really. He locked eyes with Jason, and his body became gas-like again. He disappeared from the Joker, turning into smoke. He reappeared behind Jason, a black spear like knife in his hand. 

   "I think I can take care of myself, I've done it before." Nico walked over to Joker and put a hand on his shoulder. The two of them then disappeared into thin air. 

   Well that's just great.

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