Chapter 28

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*Crying on the inside guys...*

   My ticking bomb (aka my life) continued to tick away as the villains exited the under-earth. Ivy, being part plant, decided to experiment on herself and used the potion that I had given her to make herself unstoppable. Pretty smart, but that means I can't take her off the board. 

   I looked around at the massive army around me. They were already breaking things, smashing windows, stealing. All petty thievery. I asked the shadows around me to look for innocents, and while I waited, I ran around like a madman. I, disposed, the petty thieves, all just simple, stupid men. They died pretty quick, glad no one was going to miss them.

   I continued this game of mine, while the large hole inside of me continued to bleed out. I saved all of the innocents I could, most were children. Most didn't make it though, so I moved on and continued to shave off the weak. I felt this strange sense of joy as the evil continued to die. I've started to count the bodies; currently it was about ... a really big number. I had a smile on my face while the useless died.

   New York would not burn today. Not by my hand anyway.

(A few hours later)


   Upsettingly, after I had created a mount of bodies, hero's started to notice. I had to get the shadows  to... keep them at bay. I also had to use the shadows to murder people, so... multitasking. Jason had joined the fighting soon enough, and he, while not surprised at all, helped me to cull the evil. I started on the bigger fish, soon, Bane, Scarecrow, an a few others who weren't name worthy ((lol, what a great way to not name people!)).

   "Nico, you do know your bleeding right?" Jason said as he shot another worthless villain.

   "Don't mind it Jase. I have a kill count to hold up." Jason rolled his eyes and I strangled another person. 

   "Your dying."

   "So?" Jason shot his gun off once more, then reloaded.

   "That doesn't bother you?"

   "Not at all." I said, kind of irritated. The area was now a waste land of bodies. Jason and I moved on to another section, running into Harley and J. I waved them over, then wiped myself off with my shadows. 

   Blood is messy.

   Jason stiffened, but I stood in front of him. J got the message and lowered his guns and gadgets. "Nice to see that Bruce can't keep his kids on a leash."

   "Nice to see that you haven't changed from being an asshole."

   "When did I stop?"

   "Break it up ladies." I said. I looked over at Harley, who had just finished smashing in a man's head. "The sun's coming out soon. Is everyone going back into hiding?"

   "You mean whats left of everyone. You took many pieces off of the board kid."

   "Hey, you said I could." J frowned. 

   "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Guess I was wrong." One off my shadows took a stab at a random person running away. Death was instant. 

   There was a strange noice coming from behind me and I was late to realise that the noise came from Jason. He soon shot Harley, in a place where she would never wake up. Time after that soon slowed and no one moved. J looked at Harley, then at me, then at Jason. He aimed his own gun, an angry, no, furious expression on his face.

   "Your going to pay for that."

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