Chapter 29

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One chapter left.

Yes, I did just kill Harls. Yes, I am a monster. No, I don't regret it. Sue me. Actually don't do that, I'm broke...

   J started firing like crazy. I had to become a shadow to avoid the rain of bullets. Jason decided to hide and use a... leftover body... as a shield. He also started to rapid-fire his gun, raining bullets in J's direction. I wanted to watch the show, but I also wanted to see if I could at least save Harley.

   I just prayed she was still in the line for deciding punishment.

   I reappeared over by her body. Her eyes were closed, and she had a peaceful expression on her face. I held her temples and looked to see if she had an ounce of soul left in her body. Thank everyone who deserved to be thanked, she still was fighting. I took some of my magic and intertwined her life with the rest of mine. With a pair of magical shadow tweezers, I took the bullet out of her head and placed it on the ground beside her. The wound magically closed and healed itself, and soon Harl's started coughing up a storm. She was back, and she was angry.

   "JASON! I can't believe you would kill me!" Both of the baffoons looked over in Harley's direction, utterly shocked.

   "HARLEY!" Joker cried, running over to his... re-animated? girlfriend. He squeezed her and gave her a large kiss. Jason just stood there with his mouth open like a weirdo.

   "How the hell?" Jase started. I gave a small smile as the sun finally began to rise. I moved my hands to block the sun. Sirens had started to wail, heroes began to arrive, and villains began to scatter. I smiled. The shadotaging didn't go as planned, but I did help take out a large amount of evil. My dad must be proud.

   He must be proud of his son.


   I don't know why, but I began to sob. Harley gave me a hug and tried to stop the tears but they didn't stop. I just kept crying. My clock was up, the timer finally going off. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave them like this. I... I wanted to live... But I wasn't going to argue with Death. It was simply my time.

   I looked up to see Thanatos, his arms open for a hug. I stood up, shakily walked over, and gave him a hug back, crying into his robes. He hugged me back and I left the plain of the living. I watched as J and H, even Jase watched as my body fell in the pile of the others.

   I was finally gone.

Alright, the author here needs some sleep. Y'all should get the final chapter probably tomorrow or the day after. 

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