Chapter 3

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Driving down the road, I was constantly checking my rearview mirror. My Spidey-sense was going off like crazy and I, being paranoid, couldn't help but have an internal panic attack. I picked up my phone from the passenger seat and started dialing.

"How can I help you kid?"

"Hey J, I'm losing my mind. I swear someone is following me. What do I do?"

"First, keep calm, the Bat can smell fear. Second, where are you, do you got a street name for me or something?"

"Um, ya, give me a second to pull over." I began to pull over when I heard a shout on the other side of the line.


I un-pulled-over and got back on the road, the car behind me honking in confusion. "Ok I'm back on the road, what now?"

"You have yet to give me an address or street name."

I looked around, while still paying attention to the cars around me. I looked to be around the bank, the one that J had shown me. "I'm at the bank."

"Ok, pull over there, I'll come to your rescue in about two minutes. DO NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID!"

"Got it J, see you then." I made a right turn into the bank's parking lot. Making an almost perfect parking job, I stepped out of my car and closed the door. I let myself fall on the asphalt, putting my hands around my head. I looked up, looking around for J.

I found someone else.

"Percy! Hey man!" I ran up to Percy, giving him a big hug. He seemed surprised but smiled.

"Hello Neeks, how are you lb?" Percy said, a bit of panic in his voice. He looked as if he hasn't been sleeping well.


"Little brother."

"Oh, ok. I'm good, kind of paranoid, but good. How are you, stressed?"

Percy let out a tired sigh. He rubbed his eyes and looked up to the sky. "I'm tired Neeks." He looked back at me, a small smile rimming his face. "Annie got sick Neeks. The doctors don't think she's gonna get any better. They don't think that the baby's gonna be alright either." A small tear rolled down his face. I hugged him.

"Annie's too much of a badass to get sick. She'll badass her way out, I just know it."

Percy gave me a side glance as we pulled out of the hug. "Thanks, Neeks. Well, I gotta get to the hospital. It was nice to run into you Neeks. Oh, and happy birthday."

"Thanks, Perce." Percy walked back to his car and I walked back to mine. J was waiting at my car door, wearing his disguise.

"J, is that you?" I asked trying to seem surprised.

"I'm undercover Nico, call me Ed."

"Hey, Ed. Thanks for coming."

"I swept the area, I didn't find Bats anywhere." He looked at me over his sunglasses. "Is that Spidey sense of yours ringing?" I looked around. I didn't see any dark figures, but I did see something yellow fly in the distance.

"Nothing. I think you scared them away Ed." J looked at me with a smirk the size of California.

"Alright, I'm gonna go now kid, call me if you need anything else ok?"

"Thanks, Ed, talk to you later."

J disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me to breathe it in. I coughed and got back in my car, as I was left to wonder why the door had not opened. Then I remembered I locked the door. So, unlocking the door, I got inside of the car. Resting my head against the back of my seat, I let out a breath of relief.

That relief disappeared as I felt a hand cover my mouth. Shh, that was the last sound that I had heard before I lost the fight with my consciousness. The last thing I saw was a man in black, who was dressed as a bat. The Bat, J... I need your help...

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