Chapter 10

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   How are you?

   If your going to Annie's Funeral please add your username here --->

   "So... Can we do this and not end in violence." I asked as J and Dicky circled around me. Dicky had these weird pole things that he was fighting with, and J had his glitter gun in his hand. Some how my living room was still in one piece.

   Some how.

   "Don't involve yourself with this Neeks, I'll finish of Robin01 in a snap." J said crackling, twirling his gun around with one hand. 

   "For once Joker is correct. Nico, you should have gotten yourself involved." Dick twirled both of his sticks with a stern look on his face. I could have laughed if the tension in the room wasn't so high.

   "Can you guy take it outside, I just got this place organized and remodeled." I whined. I really didn't want my living room destroyed.

   Unfortunately, my hopes and pleas were not heard. The glass from the windows started to break, holes started to form in the walls, the furniture destroyed. I shadow-traveled to my room to escape the hell beneath me, but the floor collapse under me. So I fell from my room, the second floor, to my kitchen, the first floor. I landed in the center of the room, and I am very thankful that I didn't land on the knives or the fridge. That would have hurt.

   I groaned in pain as I landed on the hard concrete. I gasped and coughed as the dust became mixed with the oxygen around me. My head was throbbing, my eyes were fuzzy, and my body didn't really want to move. I could hear what sounded like distant shouting, but my senses were too out of whack to piece together reality.

   Having my body feel as if it was on fire, I started to laugh and choke like a mad man. I couldn't stop, and it really hurt. I could feel the dust settle on my face and that made me laugh. I was going to die before going to Annie's funeral, before I was ready to die. Woah, I didn't want to die, hallelujah!

   There were dark figures trying to pick me up, but I was kicking and thrashing against them. They tried to fight me but I kicked at them and swung my arms. It may not have been powerful, but it kept them away. By ears were bursting with a loud ringing noise, I couldn't hear a thing, adrenaline was rushing through my veins. As I stood up, I could feel a tear from the top of my head fall down my face. The color wasn't clear.

   "Ne... need... down... pen... Ne.." The man with fluffy cloud like hair said. He was pointed at a small silver twig in his hands.

   "Ni... calm... Ni..." The other man was trying to say something too, but I wasn't listening. I felt like I was swaying slowly, back and forth slowly, side to side.

   There was a small tap on my arm. The man with cloud hair had poked me with his twig. I started to sway longer, and suddenly my knee's gave out beneath me. I fell onto the other man- the one without cloud hair. He was trying to tell me something, or was he trying to tell the cloud hair man something. I started to laugh, but nothing came out of my mouth. 

   I was asleep.

   Sleep took me over faster than Percy eats blue cookies. Why does Percy eat blue cookies, shut up brain and think. My dreams surfed around me, asking me to hop in and ride one out. I picked the one with Percy in it. He was in a suit, tears streaming down his face. The funeral... I could see the others, Hazel, Leo, Jason, the rest of them, all with tears streaming down their faces. The whole camp seemed to be there. But where was I? I looked around for myself, but I couldn't find me. Where was I? 

   Percy began to speak, but I couldn't hear him. Annie's mother had given him a hug, her eye's puffy. Percy's mouth was still moving, but I couldn't read his lips. I couldn't read anyone's lips, and soon everyone's faces became muddled, joined together into greyness. The only person who wasn't muddled was Annie, her body preserved and beautiful. She had a grey dress on, and her blonde hair was in curls. 

   Suddenly her eyes opened and she gasped. She seemed to look right at me. She offered me her hand and I took it. She pulled me into a hug, I could feel her cold warmth. Annie... She smiled at me then pushed me away screaming.

   I awoke with a jolt. I could feel myself sweating, my body was drenched in it. Percy was beside me, a small sad smile on his face. He was in a suit. I couldn't hear him, and I couldn't read his lips. I had collapsed again, asleep and buried into another dream. Did I really wake up? Am I still asleep? I could hear the faintest of beeps, they seemed to go off every ten seconds. I had to strain my ears to hear them. Beep... Beep...

   I don't think I'm awake. 

   I don't think I'm asleep.

   Where am I?

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