chapter 3

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Its a new week, i just woke up and now I'm tidying up my room while maMartha assists Phile with preparing for school. Today is her first day in ballet class, she's very excited. I'm also very excited because it means from now on her day ends at 3 instead of 14h30. I take a quick shower then get dressed in a body hugging below the knees black dress, red block heel shoes and a formal black suit jacket to top off the lock, I brush my short hair. This will be the first time rocking a different hair colour but I must say i look good, i wear red earrings to match my shoes.

I walk downstairs and find Phile sitting on the high chair having her rice creepsies like she calls them. "Morning baby" i kiss her cheek , "morning maMartha" she finishes her food before answering me "morning mommy" I get started with preparing her lunchbox "are you excited for your first day of ballet?" I ask as i pack her lunchbox, juice box and a banana into her lunchbox bag. "Yes mummy! I cannot wait" I'm happiest when my daughter is happy.

"Lets go now princess, see you later ma" princess runs to the car as usual, my baby never listens when it comes to running so i just let her be. We get into the car, i buckle her up. Now this is what happens whenever we drive out,we pray, but we pray as a unit, so yesterday when we drove to church Phile led the prayer and today is my turn, basically one person leads then the other repeats after.

After our prayer "mommy please play dr tumi" yes my baby knows all of mummy's favourites. We sing along all the way to her school. When we get to the gate she stops me, "all my friends walk to class on their own because they're big girls now" oh okay, I get her message now. "Okay baby,give mummy a kiss then I'll wait here and watch as you walk to class" she hugs me then kisses me before running off to class.

I drive off to work. I'm 5 minutes late but since i dont have any meetings this morning I'm safe. I find Linda in my office holding a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice from my favourite coffee shop. "Morning Lindz" i say while taking off my suit jacket , she looks at me surprised "look at you Ms A!" Oh i guess she's referring to my new look "you look amazing Mam,this new look suits you so much" i smile "thank you" i say "your caramel skin compliments it well, i doubt it would ever suit dark skinned girls like myself" she says, "oh dont be silly, everything looks good on melanin popping women" we laugh.

"What's up for today" i ask, "no meetings, the big boss said he wants us to focus 100% on car dealership presentation" great so i dont have much to do. I work on the project until lunchtime, I'm not very much into takeaways, i prefer preparing my own meals but Ngiphile doesnt seem to understand that so once in a while i make it a point that her and i go out for takeaways.

I prepared a sandwich for myself so i indulge while i go through my phone. A text comes through from our whatsapp group, it's from Noxolo "i miss you girls!" She's a diva if you ask me, "when are we hanging out" that's a response from Mpho,she's always free so thats why she doesnt mind hanging out on any day. "Saturday?" Ntokozo asks, "seconded, come for lunch at my place" i respond. We agree on time and everything else.

After lunch i got back to work. Before i know it its knock off time, i head home since my dad offered to fetch Phile. I got home and found my daughter sitting with maMartha. She ran to me as soon as i opened the door "mommy!" This has to be any mother's favourite moment.

We did her homework, she told me about her day and after homework i helped her take a bath then we had dinner. Its 8pm now and it's bedtime for princess but she's pretending like she hasnt noticed that its bedtime. "Princess its bedtime now" she focuses on the tv, i chuckle a bi, i go over to her and tickle her , she laughs then i scoop her up, run upstairs with her laughing her lungs out. I tuck her in, we pray, i read her a bedtime bible story before she passes out.

I go back to the sitting room and continue working on the project before retiring to bed as well.

*the next day*
Princess woke up with a fever, her chest is tight and she isnt feeling well. "Mommy my chest hurts" she's been crying since she woke up, i tried the honey and ginger concoction but it didnt work. I'm not going to work today, she needs my full attention.

I called the office to let them know that i wont make it to the office because my daughter isnt feeling well. After doing so , i bathe my daughter then i change into sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. "Lets go nana" i carry her in my arms,it breaks my heart seeing my baby like this.

I texted my mother letting her know that princess is not feeling well. We drive while princess is crying in the back seat, i cannot stand seeing my daughter like this. While driving, the car behind mine stops way too late at the robots and ends up bumping my car. "Oh God! Not today" i switch off  the ignition and get out to check how bad my car looks. Luckly it's less of a dent and more of just a scratch. The other driver, driving a BMW, i dont know which model this is,he comes out of his car and walks over to me. "I'm sorry about that mam" he says, I'm so annoyed "you wouldn't be sorry if you didnt purchase your drivers license from down the road" i say leaving him there.

We finally get to the doctor and he attends to my daughter,gives her meds then we drive back home. She took her meds and now she's sleeping, i sure hope she wakes up feeling better.

"We're on our way" thats a message from my dad. I decide to cook a light meal, one of Phile's favourite meals, spaghetti and meat balls.

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