chapter 12

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*1 year later*
Today is my Phile's 7th birthday. She has grown so much. My baby is in grade 2 now and she's the class captain. She's excelling in school and i couldn't be more proud. Zwe and I decided to give it a shot, we've been together for 10 months now and it has truly been the most amazing 10 months of my life.

He calls, he constantely checks up on me, he's such a communicator and i admire that most about him. He sends me sunflowers everyday at work because according to him,my face beams whenever I'm gifted with fresh flowers and all he ever wants to see is my glow on face.

My parents havent met Zwe and today is the day where they'll finally meet the man in my life. My friends are also going to meet him for the first time today. I'm moving around my kitchen preparing everything for Phile's moana themed birthday party. It's a spa date/pool party. I invited her ballet classmates, her 2 friends from school and the rest will be my friends kids and my cousin's kids. I'm closest to my cousins from my mother's side of the family because before my parents bought thier first home we lived in a backroom at my mom's home with her whole family.

Phile is out with Zwe to fetch her birthday cake. Those two have become the best of friends and i get a bit jealous because I've gotten so used to having Phile all to myself but whenever Zwe is around she always chooses him over me. I'm preparing lasagna and bacon wrapped chicken breasts, thats what the princess ordered so thats what she's getting. My mum will be bringing in food for the adults, she asked her chef at one of her restaurants to prepare something for us.

So on Phile's programme today, we will first get her and her girls massaged. I have a spa set up made by my favourite spa and retreat. It's really cute i had no idea that it would look this cute in pink. After the massage, the kids will change into their swim suits then have lunch before the poolparty begins, we'll then open gifts before dissert. She planned everything on her own i just had to make it happen for her.

My mother walks in followed by 3 guys carrying food warmers and salad bowls. "My baby" she kisses my cheek, "Where's the princess?" She asks look around,shoot! I had hoped that Zwe and Phile would be back by now because he still needs to drive back to his place to freshen up.

"Uhm, she's going to fetch her cake with, with Zweli" she flashes me a mischevious smile, "mama! No" she laughs and goes back outside to instruct the guys where to put what.

Ma walks in with Phile chatting away as usual. "Its uncle Zwe" Phile responds to whatever ma asked her. They both walk into the kitchen. "Hey mommy" she hugs me before running off to wherever. Ma smiles at me while wiggling her eyebrow. I just laugh, Zwe walks in carrying the cake.

"Sawubona ma" he puts out his hand to greet, my mother does the unexpected, she pulls him in for a hug "ndodana, I've heard so much about you,so happy to finally meet you" she says, Zwe flashes me a proud smile before they start chatting about who Zwe is and where he is from.

After preparing everything. I can finally go upstairs to freshen up, zwe also left. I'm dressed in a free flowing orange summer dress with long sleeves which are open on the sides. I wear strappy gladiator flat sandels then wear my lace brazilian soft curl wig. I do my make up and apply red lipstick.

I go to Phile room to find her already dressed in her moana tutu skirt and a crop top. Her friends arrive. My friends arrive as well as my 3 cousins. We sit as the kids get pampered. Dad finally came and him and ma are sitting in the dinning room.

Someone clears their throat, we are sitting on the patio,the sliding door is behind us. We all look back and my man stands there wearing a navy blue polo golf t shirt, navy blue folded semi ripped jeans with a white airforce, he looks clean.

"Ladies" they all greet back, i stand and walk towards him, he has a gift bag in his hands. We walk into the house and stand in the sitting room just near the stair case. "You look great" i say, he smiles then pulls me into his arms "you look beautiful as always" he plants a kiss on my lips. Before someone clears their throat. We pull back only to be met by my dad standing there. I cannot read his mood but I'm shaking i dont even know what to say.

"Daddy!" I say, he doesnt even look at me he is looking at Zwe. "Mr Mthethwa" Zwe puts out his hand for a hand shake. My dad looks at it then back at his face before moving his attention to me. "Your mother is looking for you" then he walks off. Zwe looks rather disappointed "well i came to drop off the princess's gift, I'm hanging out with the boys" yeah his mood changed a bit.

I introduce him to my friends and cousins before he bids farewell and leaves. "So we finally get to meet the famous Zwe" Mpho says, "Well I'll hand it to you, he's sexy!" Noxolo adds, the other ladies also agree "guys are really going to sit here and discuss my man?" They all laugh. We sit and enjoy the rest of the day. We finally unwrapping gifts, i bought her a wrist watch, a pink one to be specific. Mum bought her a hoverboard, dad bought her a bracelet and necklace. She unwraps Zwe's gift then she squils in her chair letting out a mini scream."Mommy! Uncle Zwe got me a cellphone" My dad looks at me and i know he disapproves of this. I just play along for princess's sake, I'll speak to zwe about it later.
Everyone finally left and princess and i just went to bed. I'll clean up tomorrow.

*the next morning*
I woke up early to clean up, while cleaning up Zwe texted me asking that we go grocery shopping with him. I agree and he says he'll fetch us at 11. After cleaning up i prepare breakfast for Phile before taking a bath. I got dressed in a 3 quarter ankle grazer ripped jean, a jellow free flowing crop top, white airforce and i wore my fringe bob weave.

Princess took a bath and she's dressed in jeans, a yellow top and her white airforce. Lately she really loves dressing up like me. We are now waiting for Zwe who never ever shows up on time. Ironic how he gets impatient when I'm the one running late.

He finally gets here and we drive off to the mall of africa, we head straight to woolies then after getting all that we needed we head back. On our drive back home "uncle Zwe can we please go to Gold reef city theme park?" Zwe looks at me waiting for my approval, i just nodd. "Okay princess, lets first drop off the food then I'll change so we can go and have fun!" My baby's face beams immediately.

We drives to Zwe's place. We drop the groceries and he insists on changing even though i think he looks okay. He changes into jeans, a white T shirt and a white airforce. Now i see why he wanted to change, we are all in matching shoes.

We drive to the theme park with Zwe telling Phile all about the rides she should expect there. We get there and i must say i dont know why i never thought of bringing my baby here. It's amazing. We rod almost all the rides. Now we are playing those ridiculous games where you throw a ball into a bucket if it stays in then you win a teddy bear. I dont know why people play these because chances of winning are very slim.

I leave Zwe and Phile to play while i stand on the side and snap pictures of them. "Amanda Mthethwa!" I look back and i couldnt believe my eyes "Sphamandla Dube!" He's walking with a beautiful lady who looks highly pregnant with twin preschool boys next to her. I hug Sphamandla Briefly. He was our youth pastor back in varsity. "How have you been?, look at you all grown" he chuckles proudly "I've been good man Amy, its been a while!" He says, i smile. "Meet my wife, Lethabo and my sons Mpilo and Mpande" i smile and greet his family.

"What are you doing here?" Before i could respond Phile runs to me "mummy! Mummy we won!" She's carrying a fluffy unicorn. She stops in her tracks when she notices that I'm standing with people. Zwe walks towards us "Spha, Lethabo, Hey!" Zwe knows them? Small world huh?

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