chapter 6

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My girls and i are all dolled up! I'm wearing my fringe weave again today, purple lipstick and black dolce&gabbana shoes. "Look at you hunnies!" Mpho is the loud mouth of the group.

We snap pictures before all driving out in our on cars, its a convoy vibe. We get to the venue and its a red carpet event. My plus one is Ntokozo while Mphos plus one is Noxolo. We walk on the red carpet respectively then after pictures we all walk in and find a table. We grab seats and it seems the event hasnt started. "Dont look but a fine hunk is walking towards us, 12 oclock" well we all know thats Mpho checking out men while we are here for a good time.

I'm unbothered sipping my champagne and enjoying the snack platter in front of us. "Ladies" a familiar voice says "Ms Mthethwa, lovely seeing you again" he says standing in front of our table smiling at me. "Likewise Mr Ndlovu" the girls are just smiling at this guy in front of me. "Do you mind if we could talk? Well its about your car" he says, this guy really needs to let the car issue go."it's really not a big deal Mr Ndlovu i managed to fix the car so really its okay" i say, "ladies, enjoy the evening" he walks off, now my girls are looking at me as if i just stole something.

"So??" Ntokozo asks, "so what?" I give them a questioning look,"come on friend who is he?" Noxolo asks, oh they mean him "he's the CEO of GM, I've recently worked with him on a marketing project for the dealership" i say, "well he likes you" Mpho says and the girls all second what she just said. I choose to ignore them because they know exactly how i feel about dating and relationships.

The event goes well and now its time for dinner to be served. I decide to excuse myself to call Phile, its her bedtime now and she gets restless if she doesnt hear from me before bed. I spoke to her and she told me what they got up to throughout the day then we prayed "goodnight now, i love you" i hang up.

When i turn i notice Mr Ndlovu leaning on the door frame, it seems like he was eavesdropping. He walks towards where i am standing. "I guess someone else beat me to it huh?" I look at him confused, what is he talking about "huh?" I say, "i guess someone stole your heart way before i could even attempt to do so" he says. I just fake a smile then leave him standing there.

I tell my girls what happened, "yep he is into you!" Noxolo says. "Chomie when are you going to give love a chance?, hape you've never been in a relationship" that's Mpho, she has no filter she says it like it is. "Guys can we just enjoy the evening without talking about my love life" well which love life am i even referring to? I mean its nonexistent.

We enjoy the rest of the evening, Noxolo and Ntokozo went to the rest room while Mpho is busy entertaining this other guy sitting on the table next to ours. I'm busy scrolling through my phone. Actually I'm ready to go back to my Egyptian cotton I'm tired and i miss my baby. While sitting someone pulls a chair which is next to mine, now I'm assuming its Ntokozo as she was the one sitting next to me until a manly scent hits my nostrils. I look to see who this might be and argh its Mr Ndlovu... again!

I just lookat him briefly then back at my phone. "You look beautiful tonight" he blurts out, i smile at him then look back at my phone "can i take you out for breakfast tomorrow? I'd really like to get to know you better" okay thats my cue to leave. I stand grab my cellphone and my bag then signal at Mpho that I'm out before walking out to the parking area.

"Hey hey wait up" this guy says from behind me, He actually followed me all the way here and I dont want to lie its quiet here so I'm feeling a bit unsafe, "please, just breakfast" I'm afraid and I'm praying that at least someone shows up because its awfully quiet here. "Or At least give me your number then" i call out my number for him just so he can go away, he leaves after thanking me for my number. I quickly get into my car and pray, I'm shaking, this is exactly why i hate men, they feel entitled to everything!

I drive home still feeling paranoid that someone might be following me so instead of going to my house i drive to my parents house. My dad opens for me then i walk in to find mum watching tv in the sitting room. "Whats wrong baby?" My mum asks sitting next to me. I relate to her what happened today, she comforts me "but baby that guy probably just likes you, he's harmless, he simply just wants to get to know you" she says "mama i know nothing about love, as far as i know it, i hate men" i say. She rubs my back "you cannot hate every male that comes your way because of one animal that painted the gender as vultures, give love a chance baby, we all need some love in our lives"

I just keep quiet. She goes downstairs to fetch my favourite oreo cookies and oros because she hates the particles that are in freshly squeezed orange juice. We eat while watching movies. I finally retire to sleep and i opt to sleep with my daughter.

*sunday morning*
We all woke up and prepared for church, i wore the same dress i had on at the event because i didnt pack an overnight bag. My baby was so happy to wake up next to me and i couldn't be happier to see her, we went to church along with Noxolo's kids. After church i cooked with my mum which was therapy on its own.

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