chapter 17

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Today is the day of the award ceremony at Ngiphile's school. She's very excited. Well today is the last day of the school year, its the last day of November and I've taken a leave for the whole of december, besides the agency is closing in 2 weeks so technically I'm on leave for 2 weeks.

Zwe has been a bit distant, he zones out a lot lately but tries by all means to hide whatever it is Thats bothering him. I went to the gyna and my baby is healthy, I'm taking prescribed vitamines. The award ceremony is this evening. I'm currently preparing Phile's hair, she asked for cornrows, i had to wash and condition her stubborn afro and allow it to dry up on its own because hair dryer can really damage natural hair.

Now I'm on the last 2 lines of the cornrows, she's been blabbing about the awards since morning. I'm finally done and now she has to bath and slip into her uniform, she even has to wear a blazer today.

I rush to my bedroom, it's 5pm and the ceremony starts at 6pm. I take a shower then wear a black body hugging formal dress,black block heels with a gold buckle and a black figure belt with a gold buckle. lucky for me even though I've gained a bit, I'm not showing yet unless it's someone that knows about the pregnancy then they can tell. I'm worried about how I'll tell Phile about this.

After finishing up,i walk into her room and find her with maMartha helping her get dressed. She smiles, i snap a few pictures of her. This is also maMartha's last day since I'll be home for the whole month.

Princess and i walk to my car, everyone else will meet us at school. I think its time i bought a second car, I've been using my car for everything and it is honestly becoming a bore.

We drive off, today is princess's turn to pray, she even prayed for Zwe today. Shes really in a good mood. We arrive and i walk over to where the parents are seated and princess runs off to sit with her other schoolmates and classmates.

The ceremony starts, mum and dad have arrived but Zwe is no where in sight. Phile has been looking this side probably hoping to spot Zwe. Call me heartless but if he dares to disappoint my baby girl then i want nothing to do with him anymore. Now they're finally done with issuing awards for grade 1s, its grade 2s next, still Zwe hasnt arrived.

"The award for top achiver for the grade goes to Ngiphile Mthethwa" my baby walks to the stage with the widest smile. I wave at her she waves back. She also had to collect the award for top achiver in afrikaans and maths. After the awards it was now time to take pictures, i took next to Ngiphile and her teacher, for a picture before someone came rushing to stand behind Me and Phile. It's Zwe i guess he finally decided to show face.

Phile is excited to see him, i just pretend like he isnt even there. After the ceremony we drive to Phile's favourite pizza place, ma and baba will be joining us. I dont know about Zweli.

We get there and grab a table. We place our orders. "Mommy, is uncle Zwe coming?" She's looking at me expectantly. My dad shoots me a stern look "I'm not sure princess, he's very busy with work" she looks down disappointed. "Oh okay" thats all she says, for the rest of the night mt baby wasnt her usual chatty self.

After dinner we drove home. She passed out in the car, i carried her in and tucked her in before going to my bedroom.

*the next morning*
I woke up and prepared breakfast for myself and Phile. She woke up while i was cleaning up after preparing breakfast. "Morning mommy" she gave me a hug, she seems to be in a better mood today. "Morning mommy's only princess, slept well?" She giggles as i carry her and place her on top of the counter. "Yes mommy, i had the best dream ever!!" She says with the happiest look on her face."oh tell me about it nana" she smiles "you went to work and came home with a baby, my baby brother!"  She smiles, i smile back, "would you like to have a baby brother one day?" She nodds nonstop "then you should pray and ask God to give mommy a baby boy when she goes to work" she doesnt even waste any more time "put me down mommy!" She then runs upstairs, I'm assuming she's going to pray.

My heart is at ease, seeing this excited means there are high chances that she'll be as excited when i come home with a new baby. She comes back and we sit down and eat before i order her to clean her play room while i clean the rest of the house.

After cleaning, Phile is on the couch sitting on the armrest busy "braiding"my hair we are watching food network, one of my favourite channels. There's a knock so i stand leaving my hairdresser not very happy about this.

I open the door and before me stands my girls! "Heyyyy girlfriend!" Now we all know who that is, yep its none other than Mpho. Noxolo walks in carrying woolies shopping bags filled with snacks i assume while Mpho has a box chocolates and 2 bottles of chardonnay. Ntokozo is carrying 2 plastics from Chicken licken. They all get comfortable in my own house! These girls.

As I'm about to close the door, my dad's car pulls up. "Dad?" He smiles, "I'm here for the princess, granny's orders", since Phile has a cellphone no longer communicates with me she directly calls mum or dad, but i closely monitor her. She comes done carrying an overnight bag. I give her an inquistive look, "and then?" She stops in her tracks. "Uhm mommy, can i please go and tell granny and khulu about the dream i had, I'll be back on monday,plus I'll be able to go to church so that i can pray for a baby brother" my girls burst out in laughter, i shoot then a mean look "okay princess, I'll see you on monday okay?" She gives me a hug and a kiss before rushing to my dad and they walk out hand in hand chatting away.

"She wants a baby brother?" Ntokozo asks while Mpho is in stitches, i nodd and Noxolo joins Mpho, trust my girls to laugh at serious situations. We move our party to the sitting room. We all sit while Mpho fetches the champagne glasses and an eye bucket. All I'm focused on is the woolies cocktail prawn chips, I'm digging into this packet for dear life.

The girls pour champagn for all of us and Mpho starts picking a movie. I'm just focused on the snacks and wings, the champagne glass has been in front of me since. See, the thing is, my girls arent aware that I'm pregnant. There's a knock on the door while we are sitting watching ,"temptation confessions of a marriage counselor" a movie by tyler perry.

Noxolo attends to the door while i move towards the table to grab my phone. Noxolo walks back followed by Zwe, he's carrying a box of chocolates and a gift bag. He greets the ladies then looks at me. "I'll be right back guys"

I stand and lead the way upstairs to my bedroom. When we get into my bedroom he tries to kiss me but i step back. "Amanda have you been drinking?" This guy must be kidding me, he gets here after going AWOL on us only for him to get back and start a fight.

I just cross my arms and look at him with my eyebrow raised. "Look, i came to apologize to you and Phile, I had an urgent meeting at work and i know i promised to join you guys but i couldnt" he says. "Well Phile isnt around as you can see" he puts the content he had in his hand on the side table then walks towards me and pulla me into his arms, I try to protest but then again a part of me actually missed him. I'm crying right now i dont even understand why. He continuously kisses my forehead. Guys forehead kisses are important!!

After I've calmed down he plants a kiss on my lips then takes my hand and leads me to the bed. We sit then he takes my arms into his. " I'm sorry baby, it'll never happen again, i know i should've communicated but i didnt and I'm sorry" he kisses the back of my hand. "Now have you been drinking?" I chuckle a bit "you honestly think I'd be that irresponsible?" He smiles. "maMthethwa, ubaba has asked me to bring you along with Phile, he would like to meet you so i came to let you know that we will be living tomorrow in the afternoon" I look at him for sometime thinking that he'll laugh and tell me that he is joking but i see none of that.

"But Zwe, my friends and I planned a holiday for over next weekend" he sighs, "i promise we'll be back before then" we spoke for sometime before he left, he promised to come back later once my friends have left.

I walk back downstairs and the girls are now watching a second movie. "Were you guys making a baby already?" Mpho asks, the other ladies just laugh. We  are watching a second movie and now Mpho is refilling everyone's glass. "Amanda, how is it that your glass is still full?" She asks and suddenly all the attention shifts from the movie to me...

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