Chapter 24

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~May's P.O.V.~

May woke up and groaned. Drew was already sitting up and yawning.

"I'm cold." He muttered, getting out of bed, "I'm gonna go shower."

"Alright, I'll take one after you." May said, getting up and dressing once Drew had walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

 ~Time Skip~

Around 2 hours later, the two of them walked out of the Pokemon Center, after planning out the next 2 days over breakfast. They were going to go look around the moor and try to find some new pokemon for their teams. 

"Okay, this should be fun!" May said, cheerfully.

"Yeah, we haven't gotten enough time together." Drew agreed.

They walked out to the moor and began walking and talking.

"So May, after the grand festival, do you want to go somewhere else and just hang out instead of partaking in contests for a little while? Just a break?" Drew suggested.

May thought it over. It seemed like a pretty good idea, after all, they deserved some time together that didn't include traveling in order to make it to the next contest in time. She nodded.

"I think that's a good idea." She said.

Drew smiled and gently took hold of her hand.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go look around!" Drew said, grinning.

May smiled and began walking. 

"Apparently Icirrus Moor is really pretty during the winter because of snow and ice." May said.

"Seems so." Drew said, nodding.

"Alright, what pokemon are you gonna look for?" May asked.

"I dunno. I was just figuring that if something caught my attention I'd catch it." Drew said, shrugging.

"Hm. I was thinking similarly." May replied, looking around, "Hey look, I wonder what that is!" She began walking towards a small pokemon that looked somewhat like a snail.

"Oh, that's a Shelmet, May!" Zoe said, from behind the two of them, " Hey guys, I assume you're doing the same thing I am, looking for contest pokemon while enjoying the sights?"

"Thanks Zoe! A Shelmet huh.... Yeah, we are. I think I'm gonna catch it." May responded, turning her attention back to the pokemon.

"Okay, Glaceon, use shadow ball!" May commanded, sending out the ice type pokemon.

Glaceon landed on the ground and immediately used shadow ball on the Shelmet, getting a direct hit and weakening the pokemon. May threw a pokeball and watched it shake back and forth on the ground, finally staying closed. May beamed and walked over, picking it up, then calling back Glaceon.

"Nice catch." Drew said, smiling.

"Thanks!" May said.

"I'm excited to see it in action." Zoe said, "Well, I'll see you around." she waved and began walking away, probably in search of pokemon.

"Alright, so where shall we go now?" Drew asked.

"Wanna just wander around?"

"Sounds good."

Drew took hold of her hand again and began walking.

"So, there's another contest in Black City. It's supposed to be different. I've heard that it's supposed to be a duo thing. For the appeals, each trainer sends out one of their pokemon, and the pokemon work together to show off their combined appeal. Same goes for the battle rounds. Meaning, there's a double appeal, then a double battle if that makes sense. I think it's the first time this kind of contest has ever been tried out. I think it'd be interesting to try." Drew said, "We'd have to hurry there though, it's kinda a far travel, and it's 3 days after the Icirrus contest."

"Hm. That seems like a really interesting contest, it'd be fun to try. Drew and I could both enter, and win a ribbon. This double contest could get both of us into the Grand Festival, so there wouldn't be any hard feelings there... but once we were facing each other...." May thought.

"Hmm...I think it'd be interesting to try, I say we attempt to make it. It sounds interesting and different, and I don't think you can go wrong with that." May agreed, "Let's do it."

"Alright, we'll try to make it. If we don't, that's a shame, but we can then backtrack to Opceluid City, they're having a contest a day after the one in Black City." Drew said, "So either way we get to a contest." Drew said.

"Alright, that works!" May said cheerfully, "So any pokemon that you- Misty?!" May stopped talking as she noticed a familiar orange haired girl.

The girl turned around and smiled, "Hi May, long time no see!" Misty said, walking over to May.

May noticed Drew raising an eyebrow and Misty's slightly confused face.

"Oh, Misty, this is Drew!" May introduced, "Drew, this is Misty, a friend of Ash's."

"Pleased to meet you Drew." Misty said, smirking a little as she noticed that they were holding hands.

"Nice to meet you too Misty." Drew replied.

"Ash would really want to see you!" Misty said, "C'mon, let's see if we can find him."

"That would be cool, Drew you up for it?" May asked.

"Sure, sounds good." Drew agreed.

"Great! Let's go. He went that way." Misty said, beginning to walk away.

May and Drew followed, talking.

"So what are you and Ash doing here?" May asked.

"Just hanging out, catching up, being normal friends." Misty replied.

 "Normal friends, eh?" Drew said, smirking a little.

"Yeah, I get the sense you're more than that, or that you want to be." May said, with the same smirk as Drew.

"Eh, shush! Not a big deal!" Misty said, blushing.

"What's not a big deal? Oh, May? Drew too? Hey guys!" came a familiar voice.

Misty turned to see Ash and her face turned a light shade of pink.

"Oh, hi Ash! It's nothing, we were just catching up!" Misty said.

"Oh well, hey May, Drew."

Drew nodded while May smiled and greeted Ash,

"Hi! It's been awhile, how you doing?"

"I'm good, what about you and Drew? You seem close." Ash said, chuckling.

May smiled,

"Yeah, we're dating, hehe." She said, kissing Drew's cheek.

"You two are an adorable couple." Misty said, smiling.

"I so called it!" Ash said, laughing.

May and Drew both blushed a little.

"So, wanna go get dinner with Ash and I later?" Misty offered.

May looked at Drew and they both nodded.

"Sure, sounds good!" They agreed.

Hi guys! I just thought this was a decent place to end the chapter, although I'm going to continue their day. Maybe there'll be some Pokeshipping on the side! 

But now for some good and bad news. The good news is, this has been updated! The bad news... I'm not off my little hiatus. My grandmother is very sick, so writing and updating is not my main concern right now. I'll try to continue writing whenever I can, but the hiatus will be continuing. Because I'm not sure how long it'll last, I decided to update it, because the length of the hiatus will depend on whether or not my grandma is getting better. This just hasn't been my week.

Well, I hope you all have amazing days, that your week is better than mine, and that you have an amazing weekend! Bye!~


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