Chapter 25

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A/N: Important Announcement at the end of this chapter, please read it.

~Drew's P.O.V.~

"May, ready to go?" Drew asked.

It was around 7:40 in the evening, and the couple was about to go meet Ash and Misty at the restaurant they had been talking about earlier in the day. May was dressed in simple clothing, nothing special really, just a coat, white long sleeved shirt, jeans, and boots, but Drew still thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. He adored her, and never wanted to let her go. She was always on his mind. She was talented, beautiful, smart, and kind, although Drew couldn't really bring himself to tell her, for reasons he didn't really know. He supposed he was just afraid of her possibly not loving him as much as he loved her.

"Yeah, Drew. Let's go! This will be so much fun, I haven't gotten the chance to talk to Ash or Misty in a long time! It'll be nice to catch up." May said cheerfully, smiling.

Drew smiled and reached for her hand, walking out of the Pokemon Center.

The two arrived at the restaurant, Misty and Ash were already waiting. The four trainers walked in, and sat down at a table, waiting for a waitress to arrive and take their order. They all began to converse. All except Drew that is.

Drew didn't know Misty at all, and hadn't known Ash all that well. He had heard a lot of both of them, but didn't know them well, so he stayed quiet for the most part, except for when the waitress took their order and when May pulled him into the conversation, at which point he would reply, say something, then resume "listening" to the rest of them talk. He felt somewhat left out, perhaps even jealous of the attention May was giving the other two, although he'd never admit it in a million years, even if he were to be paid.

Drew began eating in silence as their food was delivered. He kept his eyes on his food, glancing at May every once in awhile and smiling slightly, before returning to an expressionless look.

"Hey, Drew, you okay?" May asked, some concern on her face.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just kinda tired." Drew replied. It was half true at least.

"Okay." May said, clearly able to tell there was more to it, but deciding not to press the matter here, which Drew was thankful for. He didn't want to have to explain why he wasn't taking part in the conversation in front of Ash and Misty. They were both cool and funny, but he still felt out of the loop.

"This was fun you guys! We should all hang out again sometime!" Misty said cheerfully. "Maybe after the Grand Festival?"

"Yeah!" Ash agreed. "I'm sure you guys will make it in and one of you will win, so we can all meet up and celebrate! Do you know where it's being held?"

"I think it's being held in Casteilia City." Drew answered.

"We'll be sure to come and cheer you guys on then! At tomorrow's contest we'll come and watch." Misty said.

"That sounds great!" May replied.

They all said their farewells, and headed back to their rooms. May flopped down on her bed.

"Man, I'm tired! That was really fun though, it was nice talking to the two of them again!" May beamed.

"Yeah, it was." Drew responded, going to change in the bathroom and get ready for bed

May went to change after Drew walked out. Drew laid down and faced the door, his mind racing. 

The Grand Festival...perhaps I should throw the contest and give her the win, and not try to get in. I don't want to be the reason she loses. I'd feel bad.... I wonder...would giving her the win make her angrier than losing fairly? I shouldn't. I'll just let it play out, everything should be fine.

"Drew?" May asked.

He hadn't noticed that she had come back. He turned to face her.


"Why were you so antisocial at dinner today?" May asked.

"Oh...I guess I just felt out of the loop and didn't know what to say because I didn't know them well...I got to know them today, so next time, I'll be fine, don't worry about it." He replied, giving her a smile.

"Okay...are you sure that's all it is? You've been kinda distant recently."

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm fine as long as we're fine.

"Aw, that was cute of you to say!"

"No it wasn't. Shush and go to sleep." He teased.

"Fine. Goodnight Drew, I love you." May said, before closing her eyes.

Drew smiled and replied, "I love you too."

He didn't realize May saw the loving look on his face through barely opened eyes, nor did he see the smile on her face at his words and expression.


I've been thinking, and I've decided that I'm probably going to cut this fic short. I've spent too long writing this in my opinion. When I first began it, I wanted it to be long, but now, I'm finding myself dragging it on, because I just don't know what to do with it anymore. If I can speed up this ending, the waits won't be as long, and the chapters can be longer if I fit more in.

My intentions are to have more timeskips, keep this more about the contests leading up to the Grand Festival, with a few filler chapters here and there. Maybe 2 or 3.5 chapters of fluff in between time skips of contests. I just don't have any more inspiration, and I have other shorter projects I want to work on. I'm sorry I have to give it a rushed ending like this, I really hoped it wouldn't come to that. 

I don't want to keep dragging this on, and I can't get to the part I want to write for you guys until I get through all of the contests and the Grand Festival. 

I really hope all of you understand why I'm doing this, and I hope you don't get mad. I think in order to make up for this rushed ending, I'll write a little one shot collection of the stuff I'm going to be skipping over. It'll be different contestshipping drabbles and one shots of things that were going to be in the story, but were taken out due to me trying to end this quickly. I'm very sorry that I have to do this. I really wanted to write more at first, but now, I just don't have any inspiration. I promise, I'll have more stuff out, Pokemon one-shots, fanfictions(although much shorter), and even my own original story, but first, I must finish this fanfiction. 

Thank you for understanding, thank you for reading, and I hope all of you have a fantastic day! Bye!~


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