Chapter 14

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~Drew's P.O.V.~

Drew woke up with May's cheek resting on his chest. Several things went through Drew's mind at once.

1. May was sleeping on his chest.

2. The contest was today.

3. It was about 10:30 in the morning.

And 4. The contest starts in an hour.

"May! Wake up! The contest is in an hour, we need to be ready. Crap, ugh." Drew said, facepalming.

"Arceus dammit. I'll see you later Drew." May said, jumping up, grabbing her stuff, then running out of Drew's room and off to her own.

Drew quickly got ready and ate breakfast before running out of the Pokemon Center with Roserade and Absol.

~May's P.O.V.~

Crap! I slept in! May thought, cursing silently as she hastily got ready for the contest. With 15 minutes left to get to the Contest Hall, May sprinted there and got there in 5 minutes due to using all of her speed. She saw Drew and Harley glaring at each other and sighed. 'Drew made it. Thank goodness.'  She thought, relieved.

As May watched the appeal rounds start, she talked with Drew a little.

"Harley is annoying." Drew said.

"Tell me something I don't know." May sighed.

"He suspects we're together. That's going to be embarassing, especially if he decides to use that against us." Drew said.

"That is awful." May groaned.

They continued to watch the appeal round. Then Drew was up. Once onstage, he let Roserade out.

"Roserade, jump, spin and use petal dance and magical leaf and the same time while spinning!" Drew ordered.

'I hope this works. Roserade still doesn't have the move down completely, and that would ruin our chances of passing the appeals if it fails.' Drew thought, looking at Roserade and hoping his combination would work. Roserade did as it was told and mangaged to use the two moves at once so the petals were intertwining with the leaves.

"Now grass knot!" Drew shouted.

The petals formed a rose, the grass knot formed a stem, and the magical leaf made leaves on the flower. Roserade was clearly exausted, but stood next to Drew proudly.

"A spectacular rose made by Drew's Roserade with surprising grace and speed!" The announcer shouted.

The two took a bow and Harley went out on stage.

Drew walked backstage smirking and threw a rose over his shoulder to May.

~May's P.O.V.~

May caught the rose that was thrown to her and watched Drew walk away with a smile on her face and a blush.

After Harley went offstage, May walked onstage with Beautifly.

"Okay Beautifly, the combination we worked on, let's go!"

Beautifly flew up high like in training, used gust, then silver wind on the gust, before diving through the sparkling tornado with its wings extended, breaking the wind apart so silver blew through the air and landed everywhere. Beautifly pulled up away from the ground just in time and hovered in the air next to May. 

"A beautiful tornado of silver from Beautifly, before being turned into silver dust!" the annoucer shouted.

May smiled confidently and walked back offstage to stand next to Drew.

"I very much appreciate your rose." She said, smirking.

"Thanks. Nice performance. Beautifly has gotten very good at appeals." Drew said.

"I guess I'll see you in the battle rounds? Which I'll win." May said, planting a light kiss on Drew's cheek before walking away with a wave.

She only saw an astounded Drew behind her. 

May was onstage, facing another female trainer. Drew would be facing Harley after her. 

"Glaceon, let's go!" May shouted.

"Charmeleon!" yelled the trainer opposite her. 

Crap, I'm at a type disadvantage. How should I deal with this....  May thought, panicking internally. 

"Charmeleon, use flamethrower!"

"Glaceon dodge and counter with ice beam!" May responded.

Glaceon jumped above the fire then used ice beam. An icy blast spiraled down towards the red lizard. Charmeon jumped aside and used flamethrower again at the trainer's command.

"Glaceon, use shadow ball to counter it!" May commanded.

Glaceon hit the flames with shadow ball. The ball exploded, a smoke cloud covering the field. It cleared and both Pokemon were still standing and covered in dust. 

"Glaceon, use secret power then jump back!" May shouted.

Glaceon charged forward, glowing pink then slammed into Charmeleon who flew backwards and slightly glowed a pink color. Glaceon backed up.

"Charmeleon, use slash!" 

It was the ice type Pokemon's turn to fly backwards from the impact. Glaceon stood up, legs shaking a little.

"Glaceon, use blizzard!" May commanded.

Glaceon let off a white glow before letting a huge icy beam mixed with snow fly. It hit Charmeleon who despite being a fire type, seemed to be weakened a fair amount by the powerful hit. 

"1 minute left on the clock with May in the lead!" the announcer shouted.

"Charmeleon, use flamethrower."

"Glaceon use shadow ball!" 

Glaceon and Charmeleon let loose at the same time. The moves collided and causes another explosion. Smoke covered the field again. May waited for it to clear so she could see the results of the battle. Did we win? She thought as the smoke began to clear revealing the winner of the battle....

CLIFFHANGER! :D Those are always fun for authors, not so much the readers(Please don't hurt me) xD I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and that you all have a great day! Good luck with any finals coming up! Bye!~


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