Chapter 18

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~May's P.O.V.~

May held hands with Drew as they left Driftveil City. 
"So, you have any plans for the Mistralon City contest yet?" May asked.

"I might." Drew said, playfully.

"Me too." May said, smiling. 

They walked peacefully for awhile, talking quietly about the upcoming contest, but they were stopped short by a man and woman standing in their path. The man had orange hair, his bangs covered one eye. The woman had dark red hair that fell to her mid back. They were both wearing matching suits that were all black and had a symbol on them. It looked like a shield, one half was black, one half was white. There was a blue lightning bolt behind a blue P. May and Drew raised their eyebrows. 

"We're members of Team Plasma. We'll liberate all Pokemon, so that they don't have to deal with such horrible trainers." The man said.

"Hand over your Pokemon or prepare to be destroyed!" The woman demanded.

"Are you guys some kind of joke?" Drew asked.

"Okay listen here you little twerp-" The man started to say, before May cut him off.

"I think it is. This is pathetic." May said.

"We're not some kind of joke! We'll prove it by taking your Pokemon! Liepard, shadow ball!" The woman said, throwing a pokeball.

"If you  want to 'liberate' Pokemon from 'horrible trainers' why are you using a Pokemon?" Drew asked, before sending out Flygon.

"Hypocrite." May muttered, before sending out Glaceon.

"Watchhog, hyper fang!" the man commanded, letting out his Pokemon.

"Glaceon, dodge then counter with ice beam!" May shouted.

"Flygon, use dragon breath on Watchhog, before it gets to you!" Drew called.

Liepard sent a shadow ball Glaceon's way. Glaceon jumped into the air and aimed an ice beam down at Liepard. Glaceon landed on the ground with grace while Liepard collapsed, and stood back up cringing.

Watchhog ran towards Flygon, but just before it reached Flygon, the dragon Pokemon let dragon breath loose to stop Watchhog in its tracks.

"Okay, Flygon steel wing!" Drew commanded.

"Liepard, quick attack!" the female grunt commanded.

"Glaceon, counter with another ice beam!" May commanded.

Watchhog stood up shakily, before getting knocked out by Flygon's steel wing.

Glaceon, was rammed by Liepard charging at it at high speed, then countered with ice beam, knocking out Liepard.

May and Drew grinned, returning their Pokemon while the Team Plasma grunts returned their Pokemon.

"We'll be back for your Pokemon to liberate them and give them a better life!" The man shouted.

"Watch your back!" the woman called, as they took off, towards Driftveil City.

May and Drew looked at each other,

"Should we follow them? Make sure they don't get into any trouble in Driftveil?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, or at least find out where they're going so we can alert someone." May agreed.

Drew took her hand once again and smiled.

"Let's go," he said, "And kick the crap out of them if necessary." 

May laughed and started walking, Drew at her side. They followed them back into the city and to the Cold Storage where they spoke to a guard and were granted access. May saw the guard look around, before heading into the building, closing the door behind him. 

"We should go tell someone. Maybe the Gym?" May asked.

"Yeah. Get them flushed out of there. Let's go find him." Drew agreed.

"Maybe we should help. If there's an entire group in there, it would make it easier for the gym leader if we helped." May suggested.

"If he wants us to help, we can help. But that contest is in two days. Honestly, we can't spend a lot of time here if we're gonna make it. I think we can spare the rest of today and some of tomorrow though." Drew said.

"You're right. We should make it to that contest. We'll help out as long as we can." May agreed.

Drew went to the gym, while May stayed at the Cold Storage to keep an eye on it and make sure no one else went in or got out. 

~Drew's P.O.V.~

Drew headed to the gym, so he could get the gym leader to notify them of Team Plasma. He walked in where he was stopped by a young trainer.

"I'm sorry. Clay isn't here, he won't be back til late. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow to battle for a gym badge." the trainer said.

"No, it's important. Team Plasma seems to be hiding out in the Cold Storage." Drew explained.

"Team Plasma? They disbanded a long time ago. It's been quiet." 

"Really? Well two grunts just tried to take my Pokemon. I beat them, and followed them back. I figured Clay would want to know!" Drew said.

"Well, tell him tomorrow." the trainer said, ushering Drew out of the gym. 

Drew sighed and walked back to May so he could tell her the bad news. She walked over,

"So, are they coming?"

"No," Drew sighed, "He won't be back until late tonight. Apparently Team Plasma disbanded a few years ago. They must be just starting to stir up trouble again. We can go to the Pokemon Center and see if anyone there is able to contact the police so they can get here and get rid of Team Plasma." 

"I'll go, stay here and keep an eye out, okay?" May said, kissing his cheek before walking to the Pokemon Center.

May returned smiling,

"The police will be here. They said that they would be fine and we're free to continue on our way." May informed.

Drew smiled and kissed her,

"Then let's go."

Longer chapter! I hope you like it, I kinda just came up with this and said "Why not? It'll add more to the plot." so I wrote Team Plasma into it. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading! Have a great day! Bye!~


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