Chapter 17

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(I'm sorry. I know I've been killing you guys with the lack of updates. So here you go, hope you enjoy this chapter which I made sure was fluff filled and special for you guys. ^^)

~May's P.O.V.~

"So Drew, where is the next contest supposed to be?" May asked.

"Mistralon City in three days." he said.

"Okay, so I guess we'd better get going." she said, smiling, bag over her shoulder.

Drew smiled and interlaced his fingers with May's.

"Yeah, we probably should." 

As the pair walked over the bridge, May ran over to the side and looked over it at the water smiling. 

"The water looks so pretty! The sun is making it sparkle." She said.

Drew smiled and walked over to stand next to her holding her hand. 

"It is really pretty." he smiled. 

She kissed his cheek and smiled,

"This is really awesome, Drew. Being able to hang out like this, and travel together. I'm really enjoying it." 

"I'm glad you are, I am too. I love this. Hanging out. Traveling. Being an ordinary couple. I love it." Drew said, kissing her lips.

May kissed Drew and pulled away after a few minutes of kissing and enjoying being in each other's arms. She grinned at him mischievously.

"I'll race you to Driftveil City."  she said.

"You're on." Drew said grinning, before taking off and sprinting in the direction of the city.

May followed him and caught up pretty quickly and ran side by side with Drew. He grinned

"You didn't ever say anything about rules. Flygon, let's go!" he commanded.

Flygon popped out of the pokeball and hovered in the air. Drew jumped on its back and grinned down at May.

"See ya in Driftveil." He laughed, as Flygon flew towards the city.

May laughed and sprinted towards the city, running as fast as she could. She looked up and saw Flygon matching its speed with her's. May smiled and ran into the city stopping as Flygon landed, and Drew jumped off, returning Flygon to it's pokeball. Drew walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Nice job. You're faster than I expected." Drew commented. 

"No flying next time, that's the rules." May laughed.

"Okay. No flying. I understand. We can have  rematch sometime if you want." Drew said, chuckling. 

May grabbed Drew's hand gently and said

"Let's go look around before we leave. This place looks interesting."

"Yeah, sure. Let's start there?" Drew suggested, pointing towards a market which had a fair amount of people milling around. 

"That seems interesting." May said, kissing his cheek before heading in that direction.

Drew smiled and followed her, interested in what might be for sale. 

They saw a shop that sold incense, a moo moo milk stand, and an herb shop. May walked over to the incense shop, while Drew looked around the city for where to go next. May walked back, with nothing and said

"Anywhere you wanna go next?" 

"Not really," Drew said shrugging, "Nothing is really catching my attention." 

"Okay, let's just walk around? Or do you want to go to the next city now?" May asked.

"Want to just relax here for an hour or so?" Drew asked.

"That sounds fun." May said, smiling and kissing Drew's lips.

Drew kissed May back, pulling her close to him. He interlaced his fingers with hers. May beamed at him and started walking towards the docks. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and stared at the water.

An hour later, May and Drew left Driftveil, heading for Mistralon, smiles on their faces.

Oh guys, I'm so sorry this is short. D: I have writer's block, so it's difficult for me to write. If you have any suggestions for future chapters, please tell me in the comments. Along with my writer's block, I have a contest entry to write and the deadline is looming. Again, I'm really sorry. Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Have a good day!~


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