Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys, like I said in the A/N last chapter, I'm not planning on updating this very often because there are other books that I want to work on and other one shot ideas that I have. Also, if you would please look at my updates, and read the latest one about One Shots. c: That would be great, because that's fairly important if you want to keep seeing short little works while I'm working on full length stories. c: There will be more details there so if you could check it out that would be great, thanks! C:

~May's P.O.V.~

May woke up early, around 7:30.She sat up and stretched, yawning. It was time to head to Nimbasa City for the next contest. She had agreed to meet Drew outside of the Pokemon Center at 8:30, so she had some time to get in some last minute training. She got dressed, brushed her hair, and grabbed everything she had brought and put it in her backpack. May looked at the clock. Almost 8. She walked out the door and headed to the lobby of the Pokemon Center. There were a few other people awake at the time so she waved to them and headed outside. A smile lit up May's face at the sight of the city. She headed towards the park across the street and sent out Skitty. 

"Alright Skitty, let's do some training." May said. a small smile on her face.

After a while, May and Skitty had been training. She didn't even notice Drew walk over. He leaned against a tree, watching May and Skitty work on a combination for the appeal rounds. May had thought about winning the judges over with cuteness, followed by a different move combination, but decided that she would just use Beautifly for the appeal and Blaziken for the battle like before. 

"Nice. I don't know if that'll get you through though." Drew said with a smirk.

"I think I'm gonna train Beautifly for the appeals." May responded.

Drew held out his hand with a smile. May took it and he pulled her closer to kiss her cheek. He pulled away from her with a grin.

"I think that no matter what you do, you'll do great."

"Thanks Drew, do you have any plans for it?"

"Eh, I'm not sure yet. I'm gonna think about it a little longer." he said, shrugging.

May poked him with smile. 'I'm so happy he was willing to give me a chance.'  May thought, smiling. 

"What are you thinking about that's making you smile? Me?" Drew asked, grinning.

"Yes you, silly." May giggled poking his nose "What else would it be?"

"" he suggested.

She laughed and kissed him. 

"C'mon, we'd better head to Nimbasa. Luckily it's not too far from here." May said, pulling him towards the route that would take them to Nimbasa City.

May was making another episode of 'May's Expeditions' while they walked through the desert

"May is walking around the desert with her faithful companion Drew, while a sandstorm buffets the pair. Despite the harsh weather conditions, the two carry on, exploring the desert and looking at the variety of Pokemon that can withstand the sandstorm." She said.

"Together the pair will be able to explore many places." Drew added with a chuckle.

"And they'll explore them together as a team." May said smiling. 

She leaned towards him and gave him a peck on the lips. She let her hands fall to the side. Drew wrapped his arms around May and pulled her against his chest. May let one hand lay on his chest, while she ran the other hand up his neck and into his hair. He pulled away for air a grin on his face.

"I love you May." he said breathlessly.

"I love you too Drew." May said, smiling. 

~Time Skip Brought to you by Pokeshipping~

~Drew's P.O.V.~

Drew smiled and walked alongside May through the desert, still tasting her on his lips. She's perfect. Funny. Sweet. Loving. Perfect. There's no one I love as much as her. Drew thought.  My smile turned into a grin at these thoughts. Despite her love for food which meant that Drew couldn't so much as joke about stealing her food and her stubbornness, he still adored her. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue he had ever seen. Her brown hair was beautiful and soft. 

"Drew? What are you thinking about?" May asked.

"You. You're all I can think about right now." he said kissing her. 

She kissed him back before continuing towards Nimbasa City. Drew grinned and followed. A Darumaka jumped in front of them. It started making distressed cries and pointing in the direction it came from. 

"I think it wants us to follow it." May said.

"You don't say? If we do follow it, who knows if we'll be able to find the path again in this sandstorm." Drew said.

"We'll just have to be careful then." May said before following the fire type Pokemon. 

Drew sighed followed her adding bravery to the list of things that were perfect about her. They trudged through the sand following the Pokemon. Eventually they came upon a giant rock. There were a bunch of holes in the rock. The Darumaka led them towards a small space at the base of the rock. May didn't hesitate to crawl through the entrance. Drew followed and the fire type Pokemon led them to a small room. A young Darumaka was laying in there barely breathing. It looked like it had been beaten up really badly. May knelt down next to it and used a potion on it to try to heal it. Its eyes opened and although it looked exausted and still had scratches, it would be okay. 

"May...that was one of the nicest things I've ever seen anyone do." Drew said quietly.

"What else was I gonna do? Let the poor thing die? I think not." May said with a smile. 

The Darumaka that initially led them there, led them back to the path. May and Drew waved to it before continuing down the path towards Nimbasa City and the next contest. The contest that Drew intended to win. 

Hey guys, I updated! I don't know when updates will become frequent again, but I think that time will come soon. c: I know this isn't very long, but I wanted to put something out for you guys. Please send in one shot requests.  c: That's all, have a great day everyone! ^^ Bye!~


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