Chapter 6

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~Please Stay With Me~

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the mentioned characters in any way. c:

A/N: This chapter is gonna be short and probably pretty boring. I really don't know what to do with the traveling scene.

~May's P.O.V.~

May's mom woke her up at 7:00, so she'd  have an hour to get ready to get to the boat for Unova. She walked downstairs and ate breakfast. After she ate, she walked upstairs, checked her backpack to make sure she had everything she needed. She headed downstairs again and hugged Max and her mom.

"Bye Mom, bye Max. I'll see you soon." she said.

"Good luck May, I'm sure you'll do great." Max said waving as May opened the door.

"Good luck sweetheart!" her mom called.

"Bye!" May waved and walked to the gym.

She pushed open the door.

"Dad? I'm about to go." May called.

He walked from the back of the gym and hugged her goodbye.

"Have fun and good luck May."

May walked outside and to the center of Petalburg to wait for Drew. She smiled as she saw him walking towards the center then running towards her when he saw her standing there. May grinned and ran into his open arms. He kissed her cheek and said

"Good morning beautiful. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, we should probably go so we don't miss it." May said.


They walked hand in hand towards the boat and when they saw other people walking towards it they walked faster so they would wait for the shortest time possible.

They found that their rooms were right next to each other. May kissed Drew before putting her stuff in her room. She set down her backpack and layed down on the bed. She fell asleep thinking about the long boat ride to Unova.

~Time Skip to After Boat Ride because I don't know what to do with it~

The boat docked in Casteilia City and May and Drew got off holding hands together. They walked to the Pokemon Center to check in and dropped their stuff off. May met Drew outside then they walked around the city as the sun set, looking at everything there was to see. Drew bought them Casteilia Cones and they ate them as they wandered to the docks. May finished eating her's first and rested her head on Drew's shoulder.

"I love you May." he said kissing her cheek.

"I love you too Drew." she said.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and they walked back to the Pokemon Center together.

I hope you're all having a great day and that you enjoyed the chapter. I am going to make the chapters longer I promise, but I had limited time and I didn't know what to do with the part on the boat so I have an idea forming for a possible contest like thingy but I'm not sure yet. That's about it. I would love feedback on what to do with future traveling scenes and I want to know what you guys would want to read, tell me your ideas in the comments. ^^ Bye guys!


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