Chapter 3

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Please Stay With Me 

A May x Drew Fan Fiction

I do NOT own Pokemon, but I wish I did.

Please enjoy this Fan Fiction by Roar22 A.K.A. Ariana Allen

Chapter 3

May’s P.O.V.

“May! Drew is here!” May’s mom called.

May finished putting her bandanna on and ran downstairs.

“Hi Drew!” she said.

“Hey May.”

“Are we training today?”

“If you want.” he said.

“Ok, let’s go.” May said. ‘Although I’d much rather spend the day on a hill just hanging out with you.’ May thought with a sigh.

“Are you sure?” he asked, noticing her sigh.

“Yeah of course I’m sure! Let’s go. Bye mom!” she said, grabbing Drew’s arm and dragging him outside.

Drew pulled his arm free and blushed “Uh where are we gonna train?”

“There’s a forest where I’ve trained before. Follow me!”

May led Drew to a forest and said “Wanna play hide and seek?” she blushed.

“Hide and seek?” Drew asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. We can hide with one pokemon and search with one pokemon. And you can hit the other person with the attacks.” May explained.

“Sure. I’m starting with Absol. You?”

“Beautifly.” she poked his arm. “Your seeking!” and May ran off into the forest.

May ran through the trees then climbed into one. She climbed to the top where she was concealed pretty well. Then she heard footsteps in the leaves.

“Absol, use water pulse.” Drew said.

The water slammed into the tree and May gasped as she lost her balance.

“Absol, hit the leaves with razor wind!”

“Beautifly, silver wind!” May yelled dropping out of the tree and running again.

“Absol, water pulse!”

The powerful stream of water hit May and she fell on her face.

“Looks like I win.” Drew said, tapping her shoulder “Your it.” he said running off.

May began to count and when she reached 50 she ordered Beautifly to fly through the leaves while she looked on the ground. She reached a huge tree and looked among the roots. There was a big enough cave like thing under the tree’s roots that Drew could be hiding there. May dropped down and was hit by a razor leaf. A group of Bulbasaurs were standing there growling. May backed up against the cave and was hit by a vine whip.

“Ahh! Beautifly help!” she screamed.

The butterfly pokemon flew in to help her trainer but a Bulbasaur hit her with a razor leaf and knocked her down.

May winced as another vine hit her.

“Beautifly return!” May cried as she got Beautifly’s pokeball out and withdrew her.

‘The cave is too small for Blaziken…and that leaves me with Skitty or Squirtle….’ May thought grabbing Skitty’s pokeball.

A vine knocked the pokeball out of May’s hand. May reached for the pokeball which had rolled away from the entrance.

Drew’s P.O.V.

Drew was in the tree next to the one May was under. He heard her call for help, then watched Beautifly fly into the cave. Neither one of them came out so Drew climbed down.

“Absol, razor wind into the cave!” Drew ordered.

He slid into the cave and saw May grab a pokeball. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out. Absol climbed out after they got out.

“Are you ok?” Drew asked “Other than having been beaten raw by vines?”

“And cut by leaves.” May sighed “But yeah.”

“Let’s go back to your house and you can rest.”

“No I’ll be fine.”

“May, we’re going. I don’t want you to get hurt because I let you stay out here.”

“Can we just go to a field and practice with our pokemon?” she begged giving him Bambi eyes.

“Arceus, fine we can. But you stay away from wild pokemon.” Drew said sternly.

“But- fine.” May agreed stubbornly.

The sun was setting and Drew was about to head home, but May stopped him.

“Drew?” May asked.

“Yeah.” Drew said.

“Can we meet here tomorrow?”

“Sure, why?”

“I need to tell you something.”

‘I should tell her how I feel.’

“Ok. I’ll meet you at the center of Petalburg tomorrow and we can walk and talk?” Drew suggested.

“That would be great Drew!” May exclaimed before waving and going in her house.

Drew walked inside, said hello to his mom, then went upstairs and shut his door. He laid down on his bed and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about a certain brunette.

Hey guys, hopefully I’m gonna be writing and uploading chapters more frequently now, but I’m not sure. I will continue to upload at least once a week, but hopefully more. :D See you all later! And also, I'm sorry it's so short! D: Leave a vote or comment if you liked it and I will see you later!


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