Chapter 15

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To quote the great Rick Riordan "Sorry about that last cliffhanger. Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHAHA. But seriously I love you guys."   Thank you to all of my readers for being so supportive of this story. c: Now on to the much anticipated Chapter 15...

~May's P.O.V.~

The smoke cleared and both Pokemon were still standing, but shaking. Charmeleon sank to the ground, fainted. May had won, even with the type disadvantage. She smiled.

"Great job Glaceon!" May said, returning her Pokemon and walking offstage with a wave to heal it before fighting either Harley or Drew....

~Drew's P.O.V.~

Drew walked onstage, Harley stood opposite him. 

"Flygon!" Drew called.

"Go my Darling Cacturne!" Harley cooed. 

May and I are having terrible luck with our opponent's Pokemon choices! Drew thought.

"Flygon, use Flamethrower!" Drew commanded.

"Cacturne, honey dodge and use needle arm!" Harley commanded.

Cacturne's arm glowed as it jumped into the air dodging flamethrower. Gravity pulled it down and its arm slammed into Flygon. Flygon fell towards the ground. As it crashed into the dirt Cacturne landed gracefully, causing Drew to lose points. 

"Flygon, steel wing!" 

The green dragon stood up and flew parallel to the ground, it's wings glowing silver. It slammed into the grass Pokemon which flew backwards and slammed into the dirt. Flygon did a flip in the air before landed. It was Harley's turn to lose points. 

"Cacturne, use bullet seed!" Harley commanded.

"Flygon, dodge and counter with flamethrower!"

The dragon pokemon dodged the attack easily then used flamethrower. The firey blast headed straight for Cacturne. 

"Cacturne, dodge and use needle arm again!" 

Cacturne jumped out of the way, but not fast enough. It's legs got scorched completely. Flygon tried to evade needle arm but was hit again anyway and fell towards the ground again. 

"Flygon, flamethrower again!"

Flygon caught itself before hitting the ground and used flamethrower. Cacturne was knocked towards the ground by the fire. 

"Cacturne one last needle arm!" yelled Harley.

"Use steel wing Flygon!" commanded Drew.

The cactus pokemon's glowing arm slammed into Flygon just as Flygon's wings hit it. Both Pokemon fell to the ground. The stood opposite each other, both shaking, before collapsing simultaneously.

"Harley with only a few more points than Drew, is the winner!" the annoucer shouted.

~May's P.O.V.~

May walked up to Drew as he walked offstage, and May walked onstage. 

"I'm sorry you lost to that weirdo." May said.

Drew simply shrugged in response,

"Losing is something we all have to deal with, whether it's for a stupid reason, chance, or a disadvantage you have control over or no control over. It's fine. I'll beat him next time. Good luck," he smirked, "You won't have a problem."

"Thanks Drew. I'll see you after the contest?" May asked, "Maybe meet me at a diner or something?"

"How about the Ferris Wheel again?" Drew said.

"Okay." May smiled.

She stood on one side of the field, Harley on the other. Both of them let out their Pokemon at the same time.

"Go Glaceon!" May shouted.

"Cacturne!" commanded Harley. 

"Ice beam!" May commanded, smirking confidently.

"May that confident smirk looks familiar! Did you pick it up from Drew's lips?" Harley taunted, "Cacturne dodge and use pin missile!" 

Cacturne jumped and shot pins. Glaceon winced, but didn't fall back too far."

"Glaceon, use iron tail! Harley, you've lost your touch at battling. Did you pick it up from Team Rocket?" May said.

"Hmph. I beat your boyfriend. So I wouldn't go calling me a loser!" Harley said.

Glaceon's tail made a direct hit upon Cacturne.

"Glaceon, ice beam!" she said.

"Cacturne dodge and use needle arm!" Harley shouted.

Cacturne didn't get up from the iron tail impact in time and was hit directly by ice beam. Cacturne froze solid. 

"Finish with shadow ball!" May called.

Glaceon used shadow ball and knocked out the cactus.

"May is the winner of the Nimbasa City contest!" the announcer shouted.

"Great job Glaceon! We did it!" May said, kneeling on the ground and hugging the ice type Pokemon.

"Glaceon!" It chirped happily.

~Time Skip to that Evening~

May stood by the Ferris Wheel as the sun began to set. Arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She jumped as Drew whispered

"Drew used Surprise. It's super effective!" 

"Hi Drew." May laughed, turning around so she could hug him. He kissed her, one hand on her back, the other around her shoulders. May kept both of her arms around his waist. They stood there for a little while, kissing each other and enjoying the warm summer evening and their closeness. May smiled into the kiss as Drew deepened it and kissed her more passionately. The day was perfect. The night was perfect. They were perfect.

I tried to get this chapter out as fast as possible as an apology for that cruel and uncalled for cliffhanger and I promise to try to not do that much more in this story, because you guys are too fabulous and awesome for that kind of horror. c: Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day! Bye!~


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