Subway Love

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     I was staring down at my phone when I suddenly just got bored. I turned off my phone and looked out the window. It was dark outside and the stars couldn't really be seen due to the bad quality the windows were in. There isn't anything good to look at. My phone is giving me a headache so I don't wanna go on there.

I slumped back in my seat and looked around the train filled with people when suddenly I see a cute boy on the other side looking down at his phone. I immediately sat up in my seat and fixed my hair a bit just in case he looked over.

I looked at him for awhile, admiring his features. His dark hair, his cute dimple, his light glowing skin and-

He suddenly looked up at me and I turned away instantly. I could hear him chuckle from the other side of the train. I blushed hard and I just went back on my phone. Uhhhhh I screwed up this time. I made it so obvious that I was staring.

I looked up a bit again and I saw him looking at me! I looked back down quickly. Oh my god! What the hell is going on?! A cute boy probably thinks I'm a weird stalker or something. I'm such an idiot!

Suddenly a shadow falls over me and I look up to see that boy standing in front of me! I freeze like a popsicle.

"Hey! Mind if I join you?" The boy asked politely. Oh my god his voice was breathtaking. It was hot.

"N-no! Not at all!" I said. He smiled and said "Thanks!" Before sitting down next to me. He turned to me and held out his hand.

"I'm Aidan, Aidan Gallagher." I looked into his eyes and holy mother of Jesus were his eyes stunning! This popsicle just melted!

I grabbed his hand, which felt so perfectly in mine, and said, "I'm Y/n L/N."

"Well y/n your really cute and I'd ask you out on a date but it's too early to do that. So how about we exchange numbers and text, get to know one another and maybe soon we can go out sometime." He said with a grin.

I smiled with a tint of blush on my face. "S-sure!" I said happily.

"Here," Aidan said giving me his number on a price of paper. "That's my number. If you ever wanna talk or whatever makes you comfortable, I'm here." He said with a lovely smile.

"Thanks!" I said.

"No problem. I hope we'll meet again soon y/n." Aidan said.

"You too Aidan." I said with a soft smile before the subway came to a stop and he got off the train.

I sat back in my seat and sighed dreamily. I was happy that a cute guy gave me his number. He seemed very respectful and sweet. I'm glad I met him.

I looked out the window and only thought of him. I wrote of the foggy window Aidan's name with a heart around it before staring at it the rest of the way home.

Aidan Gallagher Imagines Where stories live. Discover now