Did I Mention

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Aidan: Title
Crowd: Title

     I was standing in the crowd of girls waiting for the concert to start. Aidan was going to sing his famous Blue Neon and 4th Of July song. I was there with my sister as she waited eagerly like the others. She loved Aidan's song Blue Neon. I was probably the only one there that looked chill and bored. Nothing was different from the other thousands of concerts I've been too.

Aidan and I are best friends and we've known each other since the first grade. Since I'm his best friend he always wants me there when he performs. I was a very lucky girl.

Aidan Gallagher was my best friend, so I was able to go behind the scenes on his old show "Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn" and I was able to see behind the scenes of his new show "The Umbrella Academy." I had the privilege of meeting the cast of both shows and it was amazing. They were all so nice and funny.

They all always joked around about how Aidan and I would make a great couple and how we would look cute together. I honestly really liked that because I do have a crush on Aidan. I've had a huge crush on him since we met. Sometimes we flirt with each other, but that's usually us just joking around. If only Aidan liked me. God that would be a dream come true!

I was about to take my phone out to look at Instagram, until the lights dimmed and we all knew the concert was staring. The lights were a dark blue and black, so I figured that he was going to start with Blue Neon first. Suspenseful music played as the lights became dimmed darker and darker.

Suddenly the mood totally switches and the colors turn very bright with greens, reds and blues.

What was this? I've never heard Aidan play this song before? What was going on?!

Suddenly Aidan jumps out onto the stage with a huge smile and grabs the microphone. He brought the microphone to his lips and locked eyes with mine and pointed at me as he sang,

"Did I mention that I'm in love with you?"

My mouth dropped and I froze still. Did he just say that...

"And did I mention there's nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day
Well let me"

"Shout it out loud!"

"If that's ok"


"If that's ok"


Everyone was singing and dancing and I was left there speechless! Did my best friend/celeb crush just say "in love?!" Is he really singing for me?! He began to dance as he sang,

"I met this girl that rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her
And I won't ever stop"

I blushed.

"I never thought that it could happen
To a guy like me
But now look at what you've done
You got me down on my knees"

Aidan got down on his knees and it made me feel so embarrassed. He was singing about me! I'm just a common girl! I was blushing so hard and my sister wasn't helping. She was shaking me so hard!

"Because my love for you is
I never knew"

"Who knew?"

"That it could be like this
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s"






"And I would give my world up for just one kiss!"

I covered my mouth at how special I felt. Especially since he got his lady fans out here singing with him! Aidan was singing about how much his loves me! I just wanna run up and kiss him! This was definitely a dream come true!

"Well did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you every day
Well lemme"

"Shout it out loud!"

"If that's ok"

If that's ok"


"I gotta know which way to go
Come on now give me a sign
You gotta show me that you're only
Ever gonna be mine"

He wants me to be his...

"Don't wanna go another minute
Livin without you
Cuz if your heart just isn't it
I don't know what I'll do"

Awwww is he serious??!!! I'm freaking out so much! My eyes are filling up with tears of joy and shock because this is happening, this is actually happening!! He wants to be with me!!

"Because my love for you is
I never knew"

"Who knew?"

"That it could be like this
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s"






"And I would give my world up for just one kiss!
Come on now!"

People were cheering and dancing. Everyone was looking from Aidan to me. They all had happy smiles on their faces. As I looked around at all of them, a smile had crept on my face.


Oh my god how I loved his voice...

"Because my love for you is
I never knew
Who knew?
That it could be like this
My love for you is
My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s"



He got down off the stage...



He walked over to me with a smirk, never leaving my eyes. I grew dark red and started backing up a bit...


"And I would give my world up for just one kiss!"
Come on now!"

He stood in front of me as I stared at him, my face red as a tomato. My heart was racing thousands of miles and I felt joy inside! He smiled down at me as my hands were still covering my dropped mouth. He then grabbed my hands and pulled them away and put his lips against mine!

His lips were soft like I imagined they be. The kiss kinda shocked me and I gasped a bit. Aidan heard it and smiled in the kiss. I smiled too and kissed back, putting my arms around his neck, as he held me by the waist.

Everyone around us screamed and cheered. I was so happy that Aidan and I felt the same way and I couldn't be happier! This concert was very ridiculous.

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