Valentines Day Gift

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     You were completely devastated that Aidan has to go work on Valentine's Day. This meant no kisses, no cuddling, no sex, no cute breakfast, no pictures, no nothing! He wasn't going to be here for the holiday and you were so bummed.

When you woke up he wasn't there beside you. You felt tears develop in your eyes as you got up from the bed, but once your feet hit the ground you felt a soft feeling on your foot. You look down to see rose petals on your foot. Your eyes traveled up to see many rose petals making a path out the door.

You quickly put on your robe and ran to follow the trail. It lead down the hall, down the stair and into the living room. Once you entered the living room you stopped and gasped. There was a huge bouquet of roses in a beautiful glass pot and chocolates, teddy bears with hearts in their hands, candles and diamonds surrounded the small table. You felt like crying until you saw a small box in the middle of the table. You go over and open it to reveal a beautiful ring inside. You grabbed the card on the flowers and it said:

"I am so sorry I couldn't be there for this special day, but everyday is special when I'm with you. Here are gifts for you on this beautiful day my princess. The box you see had a promise ring inside. Promise me that you'll never leave me, promise me that you'll marry me one day and promise me you'll love me forever and ever. If so put on the ring to match mine because I too promise you that I will never leave your side and that we will be together forever. I love you with every bit of my heart. I'll see you tomorrow baby girl and then we can do whatever you want. I'm sorry again and remember that I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day my beautiful girl, I love you!

                     Love, Aidan."

I smiled so big and put on the ring. It fit so perfectly on my finger and I felt so happy.

"Happy Valentine's Day Aidan."

A/N: Happy Valentines Day my loves!!!❤️

Aidan Gallagher Imagines Where stories live. Discover now