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Thank you to allisonapricotmalfoy who requested this imagine. I hope you all like it!!

     "Up next we have a special treat for you! Today we bring you the actors from a new hit drama and romance show. These actors play the characters of the two main characters of the best show on Netflix right now! The show star lovers "Julian Parker" and "Elle Hiller" from "Secrets," give it up for Aidan Gallagher and Y/n L/n!!!"

Everyone cheered and clapped as both stars came onto the stage and took a seat on a chair that awaited for them. Girls screaming out Aidans name and adoring him madly. Aidan simply smiled and waved to the audience. Aidan was looking handsome as always and Y/n looking beautiful as ever.

Once seated everyone settled down to listen to the announcer.

"Hello and welcome! We are super excited to have you both here with us! How have you guys been?" The announcer asked.

"We've been doing great. Just finished the season and can't wait for the next! Aidan and I have been just hanging out together, going out to movies and going to different restaurants to tryout. It's definitely been a long time since we've both gone out to do something fun so we decided that we would do something to get rid of our boredom together!" Y/n answered.

"Oh really? That's really nice! It's always good to get out and have some fun besides working all the time." The announcer exclaimed. "So uh tell me about how it was working with each other? Was it difficult, was it easy, what was it?"

Aidan brought the microphone up to speak and said, "Our experience working with each other was very good. Our communication was very serene and it was definitely very amusing and enjoyable. I really like working with Y/n," Aidan said smiling as he looked at her, "And I honestly couldn't ask for a more beautiful, talented and perfect costar."

Everyone in the audience awwwed at this and Y/n had the biggest smile on her face.

"Aww thank you Aidan! Same goes for you. I loved working with you. You were so easy to work with and we truly had a blast together. We helped one another and had so much fun filming. You being around made things much easier and funner. You were always there to put a smile on my face so thank you for that." Y/n said.

Aidan was blushing and smiling. The announcer noticed this and began to ask more questions.

"Aww well it seems you two are very fond of each other. Aidan! Tell us what you like about Y/n. I'd think we'd all like to know. Especially since there has been a rumor going around that you two are dating."

Everyone in the crowd Oooohed, whistled, and screamed at this request. Aidan became full on red and looked nervous.

"Uh-um" Aidan stuttered. "N-no, that is false. We are not dating."

"Oh so your not?!" The announcer asked in shock.

"N-no were not, sorryyyyyy." Y/n said softly.

"Aww well that's too bad. Everyone ships you guys so much!"

"Oh they do?! Well that's cute." Y/n said with a giggle.

"So then tell us what you guys think of each other?"

"U-uh, w-w- well uh I think Aidan is great! He's smart, talented, sweet, amazing, I mean he's just great! He's perfect and I love him so much! He's definitely one of the closest people in my life and heart." Y/n said getting flustered.

"Awww that's sweet. Now what about you Aidan?"

"Uh-um. W-well um...Y/n....uh...she's uh..." Aidan said stuttering like crazy.

Many girls giggled from the audience and Y/n smiled and giggled a bit as well. She had a confused look though. She didn't understand why he was so nervous?

"Y/n is..." Aidan said as he looked at her. His face relaxed and he smiled. "Y/n is the best person I've ever met in this world. She has really turned my life upside down. She brightened my darkest days and made me believe in love at first sight."

Everyone gasped at the answer. Y/n's face went from happy to shock. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.

"When I first saw her...I new she was the definition of perfect. She is so beautiful and kind. She is loving and smart. She is so talented and outgoing. She has no hate in her heart and cares for everyone. She likes to try new things, even if they may seem out of the ordinary. She puts a smile on my face, red tint on my cheeks and creates a big beating in my heart. I have never found a girl like her before. She makes me happy and I love her so much."

Everyone clapped and cheered. This moment was beautiful and touching. Aidan Gallagher has confessed his true feelings about Y/n L/n.

Y/n was in shock and she looked speechless. She then smiled and looked at the audience wide eyed and said, "W-wow! Um..." She laughed a bit, "Is it crazy that I feel the same?" She said in a playful and guilty tone.

Everyone screamed louder than ever before. Everyone always thought they looked good together and it was finally confirmed that Aidan Gallagher and Y/n L/n have a crush on each other!

"Wait really?!" Aidan asked in surprise.

Y/n giggled, "Yes really!"

"Yes!" He yelled and jumped out of his seat. They were both so happy. You could see the spark in their eyes light up.

Aidan then went over to Y/n and stood her up. She gave him a confused smile until Aidan put his lips onto hers instantly.

The crowd went wild and everyone clapped for them.  They looked so in love and you could tell that they were based off the way they looked at each other.

Aidan parted the kiss before swinging her around and hugging her really tightly.

"Awww I'm so happy for you two! So if it's not too personal um we would all like to know if you guys will be dating?"

Aidan and Y/n looked at each other and smile. "To answer that question. Yes, yes we will." Aidan said.

The audience was overjoyed for the new lovers. The funny thing was that their characters were a lot like them. They both were each others most special friends in the beginning but soon figured out that they were each other's world.

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