Between Starlight

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     I was just a simple peasant girl in the Kingdom of Gallon, walking through the enchanted forest of the night. I could hear the wind brushing against the trees and the sounds of animals falling fast asleep.

I was sneaking through the woods ever so quietly, to not not make a sound to alarm the creatures that lay beyond this land. I suddenly see a glowing firefly that I have never seen before in my life. It signaled for me to follow and as so, I did.

I've heard about these beautiful creatures. They help you find what you seek most in this world. My heart fluttered and excitement grew inside me. The firefly suddenly disappeared, but deep down inside me I knew that it would be back.

I continued to walk around slowly until I heard the sound of a twig snap. It didn't alarm me, not one bit, but made me curious as to who else was around. I take light steps towards where the sound came from and I found a boy standing in the middle of an open part of the forest. Maybe this boy was the one I was being led too?

He wore a beautiful high class outfit.

He wore a beautiful high class outfit

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(This god send of a drawing)

I noticed the symbols on his sword. It was the crest of the kingdom. I excitedly walked up to him from behind and lightly tapped his shoulder. He looked over and I tapped the other. He looked behind him once more before completely turning around to face me.

We met eye to eye and I became lost. I was lost in this green enchanting forest that were in his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. I looked at the boy with my full vision and I was breath taken. This was no ordinary's the prince! Prince Aidan of Gallon!

I grew frightened and began to walk away, for it was disrespectful and against law to come in contact with the prince. I quickly began to pace away from the handsome prince until he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

I was stunned at first until I saw him smiling at me and looking down at my lips then into my eyes. I smiled back and he put our foreheads together. I could feel deep down that this is what I wanted. The firefly lead me to love...was he my true love?

He then grabbed my hand and got behind me and snaked his hand down my arm. I looked over my shoulder and took a breath. With the hand he held mine in, he lifted it and raised them to the sky before spinning me around and began dancing with me.

He spun and twirled me and it was so exciting. He grabbed onto my waist and lifted me high into the sky and I felt like I was a bird, flying freely. He put me to the ground and dipped me. I threw my head back before for slowly raising it up to meet his beautiful face. His smile made my heart melt and my stomach flutter.

We brought our foreheads together, once again and I cupped his cheek in one hand. He then spun me around. My back to his chest and crossed my arms. Holding me close and tight, safe and sound. He swayed us side to side calmly. He put his chin on my shoulder and slowly turned his face into the crook of my neck.

I felt him smiling against my skin. It ticked and I giggled. I spun out of his arms, letting go of his hands. Instantly he grabbed my hands again and brought them up and over our heads and stared deeply into my eyes. He slowly began bringing them down and outwards and our faces came very close together. We began to dance again.

After a while, I stopped him by placing my hand to his chest. He smirked and began to walk towards me. My hand was still on his chest before getting close to his face and caressing his cheek once more before laughing and running into the forest. He chuckled and chased after me.

We ran a bit, playing a little game of hide and seek before I felt him catch me and grab hold of my waist. We began to ballroom dance where we were and many glowing fireflies were around us. Following our every move. He spun me and dipped me one final time before I brought myself up and my hands held onto his shoulders, bringing me up and close together, our faces inches apart. I looked down shyly and he looked down at me, bringing his face closer to me to look at me and into my eyes.

He then brought his hand up and onto my cheek, holding it with care and love. He let go and held me close by my waist. I looked at him and smiled. I brought my hands up to his cheeks and held them the same way. I was catching my breath and my arms gave out which caused the to run down his cheeks and down his neck to his chest. I blushed and looked away. He looked at me with passion and love in his eyes and held my hands close to him.

"What's your name beautiful one?" Prince Aidan asked kindly.

"Y/n, your highness...Y/n L/n." I said softly with a smile and a curtsy. I lowered my head and kept it down in respect.

He then softly grabbed my chin with his fingers and raised my face to look at his. "Well, how about we change that last name, shall we?" He said with a smirk.

My heart stopped and I blushed. He was my true love. The firefly did it! It helped me find the thing I wanted most in this world. Love...

I found my true love. Prince Aidan Gallagher of Gallon.

I smiled at him and slowly nodded my head. He smiled widely and grabbed my waist and spun me up in the air. I laughed and smiled. When he put me down he gave me a light kiss on my cheek. I stared at him before he began to lead me away into the night.

We walked for a while through the magical forest until he stopped. I looked what was in front of us and I gasped and held onto Prince Aidan's arm.

       I came face to face with the castle of Gallon!

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